Part 2

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Rick and Morty had become more distanced. Ever since Morty grew a pair and started fighting with rick every chance he got. Not to mention the fact that the little shit was being extremely difficult. Rick didn't have time for this. He just wanted to work on his science in peace but he always seemed to think about Morty. What was the kid doing all day if he wasn't adventuring and following Rick around like a lost puppy. He knew that Morty didn't have friends and that he spent most of his time is his bedroom with the door locked. Nobody in the family seemed to mind at all, or even notice the behavioral changes in Morty. But that was expected since this family wasn't exactly close.

He wasn't going to admit it out loud but he missed spending time with Morty. Not this arrogant asshole that he has become, but the old Morty that he had grown to love. He rarely showed his affection but he really did love the kid even if he was dumb and annoying sometimes. He missed his little sidekick but there was nothing he could do about it right now. Morty was doing his own thing, whatever that was.

It had been a while since Rick and Morty spent time together so he decided to try talking to the boy. After all he had to do something. He knew exactly where this was leading and he didn't like it at all. He was becoming selfish, arrogant, egotistical, careless, and confident. Which was a pretty bad mix for a Morty. Still Rick felt like he was missing something, something really important. Like Morty was hiding something.

Rick was sitting in his swivel chair in the garage tinkering with random objects laying on his workbench. He wasn't focused. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. What was Morty doing in his room all day? He took a swig from his flask, sighed, and ran his hand through his hair while getting up and walking towards Morty's room. He stood at the door hesitant to enter. He knocked and tried to open the door, realizing that it was locked. "H-hey Morty, Open the door" he said expecting a response from his grandson. But there was nothing. " Uhhh what the hell Morty! Just- just open the god damn door!" Again there was no answer. He was getting impatient and decided to just portal into his room. With a green glow and a whooshing sound he was standing in the boy's room, surprised to see it completely empty. And extremely...clean? Damn what happened? Everything in Morty's room was organized neatly, and clean. Totally out of character Rick thought. But then again that's why he was here. He knew that something was up with Morty.

Rick was snooping through his room curious to see if he could find anything interesting. Everything seemed to be normal until he opened the closet and started rummaging around. It was a small dark space but morty had organized it to make it look like a business man's closet. It was weird. He had a lot of stuff in there...Rick was touching the walls of the built in closet only to find a strange button that he swore he'd never noticed before. He looked at it with narrow eyes thinking about pressing it but right at that moment he turned around because of a strange light.

The room filled with a red harsh light. He turned facing a deep red portal. It's safe to say that he was confused. He pulled out his laser gun ready to kill anything coming through. But he was met by his grandson's familiar gaze and he froze. Wtf?? Did Morty just walk through a portal?! Rick opened his mouth about to question the boy about what was going on. But Morty beat him to it. " Hey Rick, whatcha doing in my room?" Morty spoke really calm and monotone. It was weird hearing him talk like that. It was so different from his usual self.

Rick looked around trying to come up with an excuse. "Uhhhh, I was....I was j-just checking up on you" He said hoping Morty wouldn't read too much into it. Morty scoffed. "In my closet?" Rick could tell that Morty was suspicious but then he just started talking. "Morty What the hell are y-you doing? I-is that a portal gun?? Where th-the fuck did you get a portal gun?!" Morty knew he was going to ask and just gave him a smug smirk. "Doesn't get out of my room". Morty was stepping closer to his grandfather trying to look threatening. Rick just looked him in the eyes and spoke. "Not till you answer my question." Rick was determined to get an answer not willing to back down. But morty didn't give a shit. He just let out a soft chuckle and shot a ruby red portal under his grandfather, sending him to the garage in an instant. Rick landed right in his chair and let out a frustrated sigh. What was that kid up to?
Where did he get a portal gun. What the fuck was going on here?

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