The Awakening

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I knew I would regret the question the moment the words were out of my mouth, but I couldn't take it back now. Why did I have to ask a question that I already knew the answer to, but I want to know after years of pain, years of crying and begging and wondering what I did and didn't do right. His pride blinded his insight on love. How could a question so small cause an argument so big, blinded by his own selfishness he didn't even realize what he was getting ready to lose? As he raged on and packed his things I sat back and watched wanting to say more, wanting to stop him and demand answers, wanting to tell him to stay, but this was my wake up moment. This was the moment I needed to make me realize my worth so I stepped aside and I let him and my love for him walk right out of the door. Wanting to give up and break down, wanting to never love again. Weeks had passed and before I knew it love had renewed itself in my life. Long painful days turned into long happy ones, nights filled with tears turned into nights filled with kisses, I love you's and cuddles. Text messages filled with venomous words turned into text messages filled with love and encouragement. A life that was about to end turned into life ready to start new and become something so beautiful. He came so unexpectedly not knowing that before she had introduced herself to him she had cried her heart out until the color in her face was gone. To the one who walked away thank you, you made room for what was truly meant for me..........

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