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Kaminari was curled up on the couch, Mic sitting on the arm watching over him like an attack dog. Aizawa was on the phone outside the dorm. The other students all sat around looking at their hands or the TV, Deku looked at Denki.

They all felt horrible, Bakugou in particular. Kirishima gently rubs his back and tries to massage his stress away. "Relax babe." He whispers pushing his thumbs deep into his shoulder muscles, Bakugou grunts, his neck relaxes. "That hurt."

"Well yeah, you're so fucking tense."

"Language Kirishima." Hizashi says looking down at Kaminari, the boy was looking blanking at the back of the couch.

"Sorry." The red hair mutters, rubbing Bakugou's arms, shaking them.

Todoroki put a hand on Deku, he looks up at him, teary-eyed. "It happened again." He whimpers, thinking back to Eri. "It's okay Midoriya."

Aizawa walks in lowering his phone from his ear. "The police won't do anything without proof." He mutters glaring at the phone. "So, Kaminari, you're going home tomorrow." Denki shot up and stared at him. "W-What?" He yelps the rest of the class looks at their homeroom teacher.


"Let me finish Zashi." Aizawa says leaning against the wall. "We're going to wire him, and get our proof then get him out."

"I love you so much sometimes." Aizawa smirks at Yamada. "Married me for a reason." He chuckles, the class looks between them.

"You guys are married?" Mina asks tilting her head, Yamada smiles at Aizawa nodding. "You've outed us, Sho. Yes, we are."


Denki looks down at the mic Aizawa was taping to him. "Okay. Are you sure you can do this?" Yamada asks, put a hand on his shoulder, Kaminari nods.

"Just a few hours then it's over." He mutters mostly to himself. "Yeah the police van will be just a mile away, the second we get enough proof you're out of there." Aizawa says hand him his shirt, the blonde puts it on. "If anything goes wrong just say help." Yamada says walking him to the door where Jiro is waiting.

The two walks away toward their homes, Jiro lightly holds his hand they walk in silence. "Denki?" She finally asks stopping him on her turn off, he turns to look at her. "Please be safe." She says reaching up and tucking his hair behind his ear. He smiles at her nodding, the blonde turns away and starts walking away.

Jiro looks at him for a second before running after him he wraps her arms around his back. "Come on Jiro we do this every weekend." Denki smiles down at her, it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Well not every weekend I know you're walking to hell." She says wiping at her eyes. "Okay, see you Monday Charge Bolt." She laughs walking away, Kaminari smiles watching her walk away before continuing his walk home.

He walks up the stairs a smile, he opens the door slowly, closing it quietly behind him. He turns to head to his room a hand wrapped around his throat. "You're dead." His father's voice says slamming him against the door. "You just had to say something." He growls out.

He lets him go, Denki coughs rubbing at his neck, the older man kicks him in the stomach. He drags the boy into the living room. "I hope you said goodbye to your friend."


Aizawa and Yamada climbed into the police van. "He's only been home for two hours and you already want to pull him out?" Shota asks having yet to see the hidden camera footage. The officer nods, gliding him to the screen, he hit play.

Denki's father slammed the boy to the ground hitting him over and over again, chest, stomach, leg, arm, face. He drags him farther into the room before lifting him up by his hair kicking him away. Denki slid across the floor leaving a blood smear.

His father left the room coming back with a book. "Dad! Wait! Dad no please!" Denki's voice begged as he turned to look up at him his arms coming up as the book comes down. The mic cuts out as Denki screams tears running down his face. "Please, please no." He blabbers, as he is hit again.

"Dad I'm sorry! Please." He cries a crack was audible from his arm he yelps in pain. "Shut up you brat! They'll find you in a river." His father growls grabbing him by the throat. "You really are a fucking moron." The camera speed up through an hour of the beating.

Denki was laying on the floor in the middle of the main room in a pool of red, the book from his drawing was on the ground next to his head. "This clip was from thirty minutes ago, he's moved, and we can't find him anymore, his parents have also left."

"Why didn't you get him thirty minutes ago?" Yamada asks glaring down at the man. "Whatever come on Sho. Let's go get the kid." He says putting on his glasses, Aizawa gets up grabbing his scarf.

The heroes burst into the house being greeted by the puddle of blood in the middle of the room. "I'll go upstairs you check here." Yamada says going up the stairs, he tries the first door it was unlocked. He steps in to the room noticing bloody footprints on the floor.

"Kaminari? Are you in here?" He asks following the footprints they stop in front of the closet, he slowly opens it find the blonde boy curled up in the corner, electricity sparking off of him. "Come on Denki." He says leaning down reaching for him.

Denki looks over at him, fear coursed through his eyes then anger. He reaches out and electrocutes him his eyes narrowing. He curls back up pushing himself closer to the wall, blood ran down his face.

"I'm sorry I failed you." Yamada says sitting down just outside the closet. "I should have been here an hour ago. You should have never come back." He says looking away from him, Shota walks into the room, he looks down at him. "Have you found him?" Aizawa ask not seeing Kaminari.

"He's right there." Aizawa runs over and looks over at the boy. "Oh, thank god." He says with a sigh of relief he gently grabs Denki's arm, moving him out of the closet. "Let's get you to Recovery Girl." He picks him up carrying him out of the house, Yamada follows him.

"Hitoshi what are you doing here?" Aizawa asks causing Denki to turn his head looking over at the purple haired boy. "Sorry I just wanted to see how things were going then I was told you were here." He fidgets looking at Kaminari's face, he reaches out running his fingers through his hair. Denki smiles at him wiggling out of Aizawa's grasp.


"We can't find his family, they seem to have just disappeared." An officer says to Eraserhead. Denki was asleep on the bed behind him, Shinsou gently petting his hair, Jiro was on his other side holding his hand.

"We have to find them and keep them far away from Denki." Hizashi mutters looking over at the blonde boy. "Lets go out searching." Shota grabs his scarf. "Shinsou watch him, he's going home with you when he wakes up." With that the two men leave.

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