Lightning Bolt

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Normally lighting strikes then thunder follows, not this time. The Aizawa family plus Denki were in the crowded mall look for something Aizawa needed. Denki was messing with Shinsou, poking him then turning away like it didn't happen. The longer they walked the more relaxed Denki was the text from his father slowly being forgotten like a bad dream, it had been a months since he'd gotten one anyway.

Shinsou nudged him away with a chuckle accidently into someone, Denki apologized before moving back over to Shinsou. "Meanie." He muttered to him, Yamada and Aizawa had turned around to look at them. The person glared at Denki the lightning bolt in his hair had gone over looked. Shinsou pulled Denki over to him by his arm making sure he wouldn't run into anyone else as the walked.

"Not my fault." He says as they continue to walk, maybe if he had noticed the lightning bolt nothing would have happened. Maybe if Aizawa had let them stay at home, maybe if Yamada had been closer and maybe if Denki had kept his guard up but maybe couldn't change what had happened.

Denki had a knife to his throat, his father had the upper hand and no one else in the malled seemed to notice them or at least didn't care enough to help. Blood was drawn, one swift movement and Denki dropped to the ground. There was screaming so much screaming as Shinsou world closed in around him eyes focused solely on Denki's body, blood ran from his neck all over the floor. Maybe if someone had helped, maybe if his legs wouldn't have locked up, feet nailed to the floor with the fear that he was already dead maybe if at least one of them had been faster the man with the lightning bolt just like Denki's wouldn't have gotten away. Maybe just maybe, but maybe was all they had as Shinsou watch reality with bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks.

Reality was Denki Kaminari's throat had been slit by his father but he had lived to make it to the hospital where strangers stitched him back together. Reality was Hitoshi Shinsou watching a heart rate monitor praying for it not to go down but knowing it was more likely than Denki waking up from this.

Reality was painful so Shinsou thought back on maybes and could have beens, as blood dripped from an IV into Kaminari's body. There was no words of encouragement from either of his two parents as they stood in the room silently thinking back to their own maybes. Aizawa leaning into Yamada for support the other could no longer give because he too leaned in for it, there was crushing silence apart from the beeping.

The beeping the was sure to drive Shinsou insane, the beep that was also his only relief because it meant Denki was still alive. The beep that was slowing down, and down until Shinsou realized it wasn't the beeping it was his world, everything was moving slower why, just to punish him more.

Why did he not notice the lightning bolt? Why had his leg refused to move? Why? Why? Why? Why, was the only question left in his head as he stared at the peaceful look on the boys face whose past was anything but, the boy who seemed to look disaster in the face with a smile knowing somehow he'd make it through. The boy, that meant the world to Shinsou, seemed resigned like even in his sleep he understood he was more likely to die than wake up and smile again. Shinsou just wanted him to smile again, just one more time then maybe he could let him go.

But he knew that he could never truly let him go even if he got his one last smile. There for with everything he had he wished for him to come back to him so he could smile and brighten the world. Wishing that he would open his eyes so they could spend every night for the rest of their lives tangled to in sheets together whispering sweet 'I love you's to each other, sharing secret kisses in hallways abandoned by the public eye.

He wanted to hold him close everyday from then till the end of forever, reminding him over and over how much he needed him. He couldn't remember when his parents had left, had they called to him, probably. Time seemed to faded as he was stuck in his own head only knowing time had past because of the beeping, at some point he had been given food which he eat slowly not actually wanting to but knowing he'd be pried away if he didn't.

He nibbled on a fry as Denki's face twitched like he was trying to wake up but couldn't he wiped blood from his throat ever so gently barely pressing against him. Was he afraid? Yes, he was terrified, terrified he would hurt him, terrified he'd never wake up, terrified because he didn't want to be in a world without him. He was terrified that if he looked away even for a second everything would end that he would lose the very thing that he need to live, Denki had become his oxygen, he need him to survive and watching him like this felt like drowning. He rather be drowning.

Why did it have to be Denki? Why? Was he too perfect for this world? Was he only here to leave early punishing Shinsou for a crime he wasn't aware he commited? Did he fail to love him enough? Would everything have been different if he told him he loved him more often? Why are there so many questions but no answers?

He wanted answers but would settle for nothing as long as he got to keep Kaminari. 'Just let me keep him.' He silently begged the universus while he stared, the heart rate monitor beeped, blood dripped in the IV, his parents leaned on each other, and Denki, Denki slept silently giving no clues as to if he would live through this or not. Shinsou hoped he would, he needed him too.

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