Time Bomb

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Denki sat in class mindless tapping his fingers against the desk, his bandages were tight his chest hurt when he breathed every second it became worse and worse. He tried holding his breath but the need to breathe hurt more, he knew he couldn't hide this for much longer.

A hand touched his shoulder pulling him out of his pain induced trance. "Kaminari do you need to go to the nurse?" Aizawa asked knelt next to his desk, Denki nodded far paler than normal, it hurt too much for him to lie. He was absolutely trembling at this point.

"Okay, let me call Yamada." Aizawa says slowly getting up, his knees popping audibly. "Oh geez I'm getting old." He mutters moving to his sleeping back and pulling out his phone, texting his husband. 

It didn't take the loud hero long to get to the classroom, he escort Denki out of the room half holding him up. "Hey Kaminari talk to me." He say trying to keep the almost fainting boy awake. "What'd you do in class?"

Kaminari opens his mouth then just shakes his head his vision almost solid black a few light spots remaining. "Come on say something." Yamada begs now just lifting the boy into his arms to pick up the pace. Denki grumbles something, holding on to the English teacher.

"Good enough." He opens the door to Recovery Girl. "I think his pain meds wore off." He says setting him down, the little old lady rolls over. "Or with all this moving he doesn't have a strong enough dose." She says looking over the boy, removing his blazer unbuttoning the top of his shirt to look at his bandages. "And here's the problem." She says, gesturing to the bloodied bandage.

She easily changed the wrapping, cleaning the wound it was healed enough for him to come back but not run around. "I bet this was Toshinori's fault." She mutters angrily as Denki's vision comes back into focus.

The electric teen sighs his chest was throbbing but it didn't hurt anymore. "He can't teacher Midoriya not to break his arms now he's running an injured boy into the ground." She says giving him a piece of chocolate. "There you go young one."

Kaminari eats it saying a thank you between bites. "I'll take him back to class now." Yamada says helping Denki to his feet.


Kirishima was left by himself in the dorm, Bakugou forced to go back now that he was okay enough to limp around the first floor. He was bored out of his mind, he sighs looking at the remote his body was too sore to make reaching for it worth it.

"Where's Kaminari when you need him?" He grumbles looking at his dead phone. "Man this sucks!" He yells out loud not that anyone would hear. He slowly relaxes head on a cushion Bakugou's blanket laid out over him. His eyes close as sleep overcomes him, if he can't watch a movie then he'd let his mind make on.

A hand gently slaps him awake. "Oui shitty hair, have you been on the couch all day?" Bakugou was knelt next to him, cupping his face. "Hey love." Kirishima chuckles at the new nickname. "Yeah, too sore to move, Bakubabe." He teases Bakugou's face turns a light shade of pink.

"Shut up." The living bomb whines hiding his face against him. "Not in front of the class." He pleads quietly a group behind him chuckles, Denki included he had a charger in his mouth connected to Kirishima's phone. "Hey Kami, bro, long time no see." 

"Yeah and you look just as bad as me." Kaminari snickers handing him his phone. "It's a slow charge but it's up to twenty percent right now." He pulls the charger out of his mouth and gives it to Bakugou.

"Kaminari let's go." Aizawa mutters coming out of his office. Denki gets up and follows him out of the building to the car parked out front. He climbed into the passenger seat looking over at his homeroom teacher a big smile on his face. "What?" Aizawa asks raising an eyebrow, 'oh god are the hickey's showing' he thinks looking at him the worry showing.

"Nothing you just look, I don't know, more happy." Denki says looking out the window. "Probably because you're wearing Yamada sensei's shirt." He laughs hearing the strangled sound come from the man next to him.

Aizawa looks down and he was in Hizashi's slightly oversized cat nightshirt. It was late when they came to the dorms and he'd thrown on the first shirt he saw. "You tell no one." He says pointing at him. "They already know." Kaminari chuckles looking back over at him. "Also that shirt has way too much color to be yours."

Shota looks away focusing on getting them home. "Be quiet and let me drive problem child." Kaminari laughs looking out the window, sticking a charger in his mouth. "I'm taking a nap." He mutters reclining his chair and turning on his side. "Okay son." Aizawa mutters with a small smile. "Dadzawa." Denki whispers before falling asleep Aizawa looks over at him for a second then back to the road.

He calls Mic. "Hello, whatcha need Eraser?"

"We're keeping Denki." He says then hangs up.

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