Chapter 11: Netflix and Chill

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"Here we are," Coiny announced as he opened the door, "home sweet home."

Needle walked into the modest condominium. To her surprise, it was rather tidy. Sure, not as tidy as her old room back at the Yoyle Needy, but still fair nonetheless. Plus, it would be a lot nicer here, away from all the things that plagued her before.

The entrance led into a small living room comprised of a beige couch, a wood bookshelf, and a TV stuck to the wall on the far end. To the left, she could see a kitchen. The fact that it was spotless told her that Coiny didn't cook. Coincidentally enough, neither could she. The one time she did attempt baking, she added too much yeast and the cake exploded in the oven.

"Come on, I'll take you to your room." Coiny took Needle by the hand, dragging her down a hall to the right.

The hallway ended in two doors across from each other. She guessed one was the bathroom, but that meant that there was only one bedroom. Where is Coiny going to sleep? She assumed that there would be two beds in there since it seemed way too early for them to be sharing a bed.

The coin creature opened the wooden entryway, and to Needle's dismay, there was a single bunk. It was large enough for the both of them, sure, but she still felt really uncomfortable about it. After all, they had really only just met.

"I would usually take your bags in, but in this case, you have no bags. So, uh, please enjoy it. I'll find something for us to do, in the meantime." Coiny began to head off

"Wait, but where are you going to spend the night?" Needle squeaked, her heart rate rising.

Coiny shrugged, "Eh, I'll just crash on the couch."

Needle's anxiety settled, then shot back up again. I invite myself to Coiny's house, and then take over his bed? She didn't care much for proper etiquette, but she wasn't a monster!

"How could I let you get the couch? This is your house, after all."

"You are the guest. Plus, how could I disrespect the one and only Needle P. Needy?"

"Don't call me Needy!" She struck him right across the face.

"Alright, alright! I get it. I won't call you Nee- I mean, that name." He rubbed the area where she just hit him.

"Thank you. Now can you please take your room back, so I don't feel bad about myself?"

"Please, I insist. Just take it as an apology for me calling you that name."

Needle realized that the back-and-forth of this was going nowhere. Plus, it was out of Coiny's charity.

"Fine, I'll take it."

"Good, good. Until then, you want to watch a movie?"


The intro music of some odd action movie played. Needle didn't actually care much for the movie, as she already had seen it. For all the things that her father was, he cherished movies and would take her to every single one at the cinema. Not to mention the selection of movies on Netflix tended to be pretty boring.

However, this was different. For starters, she wasn't being constantly kicked from behind the seat by some sugar-hyper child who had just had their first real Dr. Fizz. Also (and much more importantly), she was right next to Coiny. It should have been rather warm, being right next to someone else, but needles and pennies aren't known for their heat-producing capabilities.

As the movie went along, and she and Coiny got inevitably closer to one another, Needle began to apprehend something. I'm not feeling really uncomfortable around him anymore, she noticed. The more time that she spent snuggling up against the sparkling penny, the less she felt obsessive over him. Just a few hours ago, she had been tripping over her words as they talked.

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