It's like catching butterflies; except harder

467 32 11

Attempt 1:

"The Student Council!",

He turns his head towards the direction of the mumblings, oh good lord—the student council.

He remembers it as if it was yesterday, the day where all his wires got hot and jumbled, the day where his laptop was busting codes from down south, the day where he saw the student council walk past him and he got to see sweet mercy.

"President Yixing is as dreamy as ever," one girl fans herself, to the point where she almost faints dramatically for expression. A boy hums in delight, "The Vice President wages nations more! I mean, look at how elegant Nayeon-ssi looks."

"Whatever Chulhee,"

And the rest goes on, on about Treasurer Taeyong's new perm, on about Muse Tzuyu's new boyfriend, on about Budget Assistance' Jennie's new Chanel bag, on about—

"Secretary Jisoo!"

Sehun turns around slyly, carrying his bags flimsy and almost dropping pounds upon pounds of his lectures to the tiled floor of their hallway. But none of that matters now, what truly matters now is getting to witness sweet mercy.

The Secretary looks in the opposite direction until she catches him insight. And as if destiny needed more cards, she walks down his way with ease and breeze from the ocean's winds.

She was cool like that.

She stares at him just feet away, his hands stretched out and welcoming. He meets sweet mercy when her lips curve upwards— "Secretary Jisoo!"


Sweet mercy wasn't for him; instead, it was for Sergeant at Arms Rep. Lee Minhyuk.

"Hi, I was wondering if. . . "

He doesn't bother listening to their conversation, it was pitiful and pathetic to even do so. Heck, his search for sweet mercy was pitiful and pathetic. But if Minhyuk just hadn't entered at that time then maybe he would have gotten a chance!

Sehun leaves the scene with a stormy glare that rages all throughout the day.


Attempt 7:

Oh Sehun, infamously known for his sour attitude and murderous behavior, was still relatively attractive to many. And as much as he likes to shy away from the topic, he really can't, because the reason for his popularity was because of the topic. The topic? Infatuation.

Yes, murder boy was infatuated, heavily infatuated, almost obsessively infatuated-but was he really just infatuated? Because when you really look at him, squint your eyes on his milky cheeks, look past his shaggy hair that never seemed to be fixed, there! There was the blazing redness that surges it's way to the public's eyes whenever she passes.

And right about now, she passes.

Swooping into his classroom (He was a year higher than her own) and asking for a name. Carrying sweet mercy on the tip of her lips, she smiles ever so angelic.

"Oh Se-"

His eyes widen. OH. MY. GOD.

Secretary Jisoo takes a look at the piece of paper she holds, nodding to herself affirmatively.

This was it, she was gonna call him. Call him and take him to the back of the school. Take him to the back of the school and ask for his phone number/and maybe confess. Sehun knows this scenario so clearly, he's watched too many dramas that he can't possibly know this and be right for once.

He hears her clap her hands from afar, "Oh."


His ears hear a chair scraping, his joy drops.

"Oh Seunghee-ssi! Please come to the office for the details of your competition."

Seunghee goes and joins her, "How lucky," the tone, condescending as ever, that his seatmate shivers in fear. Ultimately leading to spur the words,

"Lord, help me from the devil beside."


Attempt 15???

It was by accident. . .

It was by accident that he had his hands clasped in front of him, face a fuzzy berry, and his 6 ft. self was blocking the whole line in the cafeteria-no one could stop him.

He stares with the love in his eyes at her, standing there serving other students, and stopping by him with sweet mercy. How lucky of him to be first in line when it was the student council's day to participate in daily school routines (it's not like he didn't know by checking the school calendar over and over again, no).

Her sultry voice wakes him up,


Sehun falls in love a lot harder, a blushing mess, nerves a little jitty, heart bouncy as he still stands in line looking dearly at the Secretary.

Although maybe it was interpreted a little differently, "Please don't kill the Secretary," was all he could hear.

"Here's your lunch!" She says as she places his meal on the forgotten tray atop the lined steel bars.

And just like that, sweet mercy was for someone else (again).


Attempt 2̶5 28 (idk?)

Sehun thinks he could catch it, well, he hopes he could. It wasn't as easy as pokemon.

Now, at this point, it honestly just baffles him how far he'd come. . . for a smile. So what, maybe he was just desperate at this point (which is hardly ever new) and maybe his reputation cranked it up a little bit, somewhat scaring off a crowd.

Leaving him and Jisoo alone, somehow.


Him and Jisoo alone?

He looks back at her, staring at the way she carries the joyous bounce to her feet. His lips parting in the curvy smiles of sweet mercy.

Sehun's got it. And maybe a little hot because of it.

"Sehun-ssi, right?"

What is this?

"You have a very beautiful smile," He blushes, tempted at the thought of passing out then and there.

So he tries to bite back, "Uhm, uh, you, eh, same." Don't remember that.

She giggles at his response, that must be a good sign. "I don't think so much, but, thank you."


And as much of a hardship those trials were, he didn't falter the next times around. Maybe because she liked his smile a lot too.

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