Chapter 6

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Music to listen while reading this chapter:

Dead Aim

Asset out of Containment

Attack on the Enemy

The Enemy of my Enemy





Lights turn on, shining down at the man commited to the chair who slowly starts to wake up. On his shoulder is a SHEILD logo. When he regain his sences, he sees a canister in front of him.

Man: "What...?"

???: "I know what you're wondering: "What's in the canister?""

Man: "Whata!?"

???: "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

Man in chair starts to frick out.

???: "I'm only mucking about. Relax."

Man: "What you want from me!?"

Person steps infront of him. Agent Venom.

Agent Venom: "An infromation."

Man: "About what?"

Agent Venom: "Where is senator Brooks hiding?"

Man: "I ain't telling you shit!"

Agent Venom walks up to the canister and picks it up.

Man: "What are you doing!?"

Agent Venom: "Opening the canister."

Agent Venom goes to open it, but man stop him.

Man: "I'll tell you, I'll tell you, just do not open it!"

Agent Venom: "Well?"

Man: "(sighs) He's in Alexandria, Washington DC, Guston Hall Hotel..."

[DISCONTINUED] Venomized. Altered. Lost. - Gwen Stacy X Male reader Where stories live. Discover now