Chapter 27

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We returned to the hotel and Chris put me in my bed straight away. I was starting to wake up but kept my eyes shut. They were too heavy to open. I could hear the boys talking just outside of the room.
B - my baby girl is growing up to quickly.
Tr - tell me about it.
Mason - I can't believe how grown up she looked at dinner
Connor - she really has helped us and she doesn't even know the half of it.
Da - I will always be grateful for her. It killed me when I had to leave her for that week. I have no idea what it is going to do to her when Mason and Connor leave.
Ty - we will all be there for her. We just have to make sure that she knows that.
D - I'm sure this trip will tell her that, she has gone through a lot at such a young age we just have to be there to protect her and to make sure that she feels like she can talk to us.
C - I am the luckiest uncle in the world!
B - I'm the luckiest Dad.
Tb - and we are the luckiest brothers.
Heidi - and I have the best little sister I could ask for.
Z - come on then guys. Let's go to bed. I want us to go live tomorrow morning through to the evening and then tomorrow evening I have a surprise planned.
B - okay then, night guys.
E - night everyone.
As soon as Bryan has said good night to everyone I immediately fell back to sleep. I wonder what Zack has planned for tomorrow. And I'm kind of looking forwards to the live. It will give me something to do. I wake up later than I thought I would. I look at the clock and it says 11am. I can't believe that they haven't woken me up.
I rushed around the room trying to make myself look presentable. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and then went back to my room. I grabbed my phone and saw that they have all gone live. I ran to the living room and everyone gave me a wired look.
Y/n - what??
B - why are you running around.
Y/n - Um because it is 11 o'clock
C - andddddd
Y/n - because I need to go live!
Z - we didn't expect for you to go live so we let you have a lie in
Y/n - you should know by now that going live is one of my favourite parts to the day
Tr - sorry, we will wake you up next time
Y/n - yeah you better!!
Da - or what?
Y/n - no cuddles for anyone! And that is also torture for me
Mason - anyone?
Y/n - anyone!
Connor - yeah I'm not going to mess with her
D - sorry but I'm siding with Connor.
Ty - I think we all are.
Y/n - good now I'm going to go live with ...
Tb - *drum roll*
Y/n - Mason and Connor cause I love them more!
Y/n - fine I love you all the same
We laughed and I went and joined Connor and Mason. Before I started my live I wanted to check in with them.
Y/n - how are two of my favourite boys going this morning?
Connor - good thanks to you.
Mason - you have put us in a happy mood.
Y/n - good to hear. And I'm always here for you, even when you do go back home which we are NOT discussing now because I will end up in tears.
Mason + Connor - me too.

Zack's POV (I'm switching it up!)
I had noticed that y/n was getting a lot closer to all of the boys but that she was especially warming up to Connor and Mason. I mean all the other boys were as well. It's going to be strange when they aren't around, having to look after 6 boys rather than 8. It has become normal for us. They have been with us for such a long time that they are part of us, but they can't be.

Bryan's POV
I had noticed that y/n was spending a lot of time with Mason and Connor and it didn't bother me but I heard from Tristan that something has happened and both of the boys were down. I am so proud of y/n making everyone feel welcome and making sure they are both okay. Not everyone would do that but she does it for anyone and it doesn't matter if she properly knows them. She is so special and she has changed my life for the better. The boys were right earlier when they said that she doesn't even realise the impact that she has on us.

For the rest of the day we were with our lives. We decided that we were going to give Mamma Mel as much time with her son as possible. After all she decided to come to America with us and she looks after all of us. After we finished our lives we all gathered into the living room to hear what the surprise Zack had arranged was.
Y/n - so Zack what's this surprise?
Z - oh I nearly forgot about that.
Da - well ...
Z - ... well
B - ... well ...
Z - okay, we are going on a shopping trip tomorrow. The reason for this is because I want you to all get a souvenir for yourself and ...
Ty - and ...
Z - we are going to put all our names in a hat and we are each going to pick one out and when we are out we are going to buy something for that someone.
Y/n - I like this idea.
H - I agree, not only do we get to go shopping but we also get to do something that we will never forget.
B - sounds like a good idea.
Y/n - what are the plans for dinner?
Z - we don't have any.
Y/n - perfect. Let's watch a film and have a snack dinner.
D - and this is why you have the brains!
Mason - as long as we all get cuddles? 
Connor - I will give you cuddles Mason!
The boys laughed and we all headed to the kitchen to pick out some snacks that we had brought earlier during the day. We then decided that we were going to watch the Bee movie. I sat down with Tristan on my left and my dad on my right. Mason and Connor were huddled in front of me and the rest scattered around us.
Da - sorry.
Y/n - oh you will be!!
Ty - Dayne I'm sorry for you!! But you should start running
Y/n - haha nah I not getting up I'm comfy. I will just get you back later.
Da - some how I feel like that is worse.
The rest of the night was quiet, after the film I got Tristan to carry me to my room as I missed our cuddles.
Y/n - thank you for the cuddles and for carrying me in here
Tr - no problem. I miss your cuddles.
Y/n - if I wake up before you tomorrow I will wake you up with cuddles.
Tr - deal and if you don't I will wake you up with cuddles.
Y/n - deal. Night Tristan.
Tr - night squirt.
I snuggled into the covers and slowly fell asleep.

This was kind of a filler chapter, setting the scene for the next chapter. Although it was kind of cute.

Word count: 1278

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