Chapter 39

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Z - Okay everyone hit the live button in 3... 2... 1... go

Y/n - Hello everyone! Welcome. How have you been doing?
People were starting to join the live and after a couple of minuets our numbers steadied. The word had been spread that we had started a live and the panic to get on was over. We started the music up and the lives began. People were flooding our comments asking if we were okay and if we had seen the Instagram account that had been set up about me and the boys. We all decided to address the account.
Y/n - okay so I think it is time to address this situation that everyone is talking about. Yes we are aware about the account and yes we are taking extra safety precautions right now to make sure that we are protected. No I will not be sharing what we are doing right now as I am trying to keep us safer so if the person who runs the account is watching they won't know what to look out for.
As I said that there was a knock on the front door.
Y/n - who is going to get that then? *I turned to the boys as I said that*
B - You are saying in that seat, I am going.
I watched my dad get up out of his seat and turn his live to face Tristan. He then walked to the front door with a bat in hand and opened the door slightly.
B - May I help you?
Security guy - Hey, I am here to talk about the post for a security guy. I had a call from a Chris Williams saying that the post was urgent.
B - Thank gosh, come in, I will get our manager.
B - Zackkkkk!!!
Z - What's up?
B - They security guy is here!
Z - coming
B - So can I get your name.
Security Guy - Yeah sure man, my name is Brandon and yours is?
B - My name is Bryan and I will introduce you to everyone else.
Z - Okay guys if I can just get you all to mute your mics so that this can stay confidential for the moment whilst we introduce ourselves and discuss personal details.
Y/n - Okay live I will be back in a moment and I am going to mute you so we can share some personal information. have fun among yourselves and we will be back in a moment.
I turned the camera towards the others so all of the chats could talk together while I made my way over to the other boys. I stood by my dad as I always do around strangers.
B - Okay so this is the crew. We have Dayne, Darius, Tyler and Tristan, Chris, Mason, Connor, Heidi, Mumma Mel and finally my daughter Y/n.
We all waved as he went round and introduced us. He shook all of their hands and then he got to me. I got ready for him to shake my hand but instead he picked me up and gave me a hug.
Brandon - Howdy Kiddo
Y/n - Okay so don't tell the boys but you are going to be my best friend I can already tell!
Brandon - I promise!
B - What are you two already promising?
Y/n - Nothingggg
C - We will see about that squirt
Y/n - You will never find out
Tr - want to bet?
Y/n - Sure I have around 25 cent to my name so lets go
B - and of course she wins as Tristan you definitely have more than 25 cent to your name. You have practically just given her easy money.
Y/n - Im joking Tristan I don't want your money. I have no need for it and besides I want to make my own and be proud of it. I want to be my own boss too!
Z - You are definitely going far trouble maker
Y/n - what is it with all the nicknames today?
Z - Okay well Brandon you have met everyone now so guys go back to your lives and Brandon and I are going to my office to discuss his position and what I need him to do.
Y/n - Yay the lives!! Bye Brandon
I ran back over to the group of phones and spaced them out enough that I could stand in the middle and they would all circle around me. I unmuted them all and stared to address all the lives at once. Slowly all the boys were coming back and collecting their phones til I was left with just mine.
Y/n - Okay guys I am going to put my live by one of you I want cuddles as I am tired.
B - That's okay baby girl.
Y/n - who wants cuddles?
C - I do!
Y/n - Okay I am bringing them over with me.
I took my live over to Chris and sat in his lap with me head resting on his shoulder.
C - Its okay princess, you can go to sleep. We will all still be here when you wake up.
Y/n - Are you sure? I can just walk down to my room and go to sleep there.
C - I am sure. Its not every day that my niece falls asleep on me.
Y/n - that's true. Its weird that you call me your niece your more of a brother than an uncle to me.
C - And that is how I want it to be. I am not going to be Uncle Chris!
We both laughed and I slowly started to drift off. I felt my dad come over and kiss me on the head. I could hear him talking to Chris but I couldn't work out what he was saying. I just let the darkness take over and I fell asleep surrounded by all my favourite people.

I didn't pre read this so sorry for any Typos. I have also lost all motivation for this but I will continue to release the chapters that I have finished and I will also finish the book off the way it deserves to be. I also have known for the past month or two on how the book will end as well and there could possibly be a sequel to it if I end it the way I want to.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I definitely thought the ending was cute. I want Chris to be more of a brother to her even though he is theoretically her Uncle.
Word count: 1119

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