Chapter 30

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I wake up early in the morning, none of the boys were in the room anymore. I got straight up and went to go and find the boys. Some of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room and some of them were in the kitchen making some breakfast before we leave to go to the airport. I walked up to Connor and Mason as I didn't know if this meant that they were going to leave us as soon as we got back home.
Y/n - When are you going home? I don't want you to leave.
Mason - We are staying with you for a couple of days once we get back and then we are leaving.
Y/n - Why do you have to go?
Connor - I know that my Mum, Dad and siblings want to see me. I haven't seen them in a while and I miss them.
Y/n - I didn't think about that I was so caught up with you being my big brothers that I forgot that you had family that miss you and need to see you. I don't know what I would do if these boys decided to leave me for months on end.
Mason - To be honest with you so did I.
Y/n - I know that you are thinking about coming back and staying with us for a couple of days and I don't mean for this to sound bad but I don't want you to. You need to get back to your family and as much as I am going to miss you, your family miss you more.
Connor + Mason - are you sure?
Y/n - Positive. You have the rings so you know I will always be with you and I have the necklace that you gave me when you were leaving me for the first time.
Mason - Okay then I guess Connor and I are going to go home when we get to the airport.
Y/n - I am going to sit next to the both of you on the plane home them, I will miss you both so much but I am sure your family's are missing you more now.
B - What's going on over here and why do you look like you are all about to cry?
Y/n - I have told Mason and Connor that they need to go home to see their family, they were going to stay a couple of days after we get back and then go home but I have realised that their family miss them and they need them just like I do.
B - You guys are going to make me cry as well.
Z - what are all of you tearing up about we are only going back home and Mel is coming with us.
The boys explained to Zack why we were all about to cry and then he understood.
Z - Boys it has been an amazing ride and I need to speak to you both on the plane back, just the two of you please.
Mason + Connor - of course.
After our conversation I went to pack and to make sure I had gathered everything that I needed. I didn't want to leave anything behind especially the bracelet that Tristian had given me. After I had finished packing my suitcase I brought it to the living room so that it was all in place and ready to take down when we were ready to leave. I grabbed a breakfast bar from the kitchen counter and went and sat on the sofa. I started to eat the bar and then someone snatched it out of my hand.
Y/n - Hey that was mine!
Da - and now it is mine!
Y/n - Oh just you wait for it...
Da - I will get you a new one I promise.
Y/n - That's not going to cut it!
Da - Okay okay I am sorry, I would give it back but I have eaten it now.
Y/n - Just remember what you have done today, it will bite you in the back!
Da - Okay then!
Y/n - Before you go give me a famous Dayne cuddle please!!
Da - Of course. You don't need to ask.
Dayne picked me up and it was just what I needed it made me forget about everything that has happened the past few days. It made me forget about that feeling and made me remember that I am surrounded with the best people ever, these boys are my family, my Dad, my Uncle although he is more like a brother and my Brothers. None of us are blood related but that doesn't matter to me. I slowly started to fall asleep on Daynes shoulder.

When I woke up we were in the airport. Dayne was still holding me. I couldn't see any of the other boys and that was worrying me.
Y/n - Dayne where are the others??
Da - finally you are awake. They have just gone to do a bit of shopping as we got here really early.
Y/n - that makes sense.
Da - do you want something to eat considering I stole your breakfast bar earlier.
Y/n - can we go get a McDonalds breakfast?
Da - yes cause I can then get a Coffee.
He carried me over to McDonalds and ordered. I knew the exact revenge I would get on him. Rather than putting sugar in his coffee I was going to put salt. That would get him back for earlier. We sat at a table and they brought the drinks and food over Dayne went to go and get sugar for his coffee so I took a salt packet and put it in there before he got back. He put the sugar in mixed it round and took a sip. I tried to hide my smile so I bit into a chicken nugget.
Da - what did you do??
Y/n - absolutely nothing!!
Da - I can tell you are lying
Y/n - nothing is wrong so therefore I did nothing.
Da - fine then
I can't believe he didn't taste the salt at all! I checked the packet again and realised that I had picked up sugar. Who put the sugar packets in with salt! We finished breakfast and headed to where the other boys we gathered. I ran up and jumped on Tyler as his back was facing me.
Ty - gesh, don't do that again you scared the poop out of me.
Y/n - I hope I didn't.
Ty - okay smart a*s
Y/n - ohhhhhh Tyler just swore!!
Z - okay kids let's get on the plane home.
Ty - there is only one kid here
Z - you are both kids the way you are acting
H - come on Tyler let's go get our seat. I am pretty sure Connor and Mason are about to be bombarded in 3 . 2 . 1
Y/n - boyssssssss
I grabbed both of their hands pulling them towards the plane.
Y/n - you know the drill
Connor - don't worry we aren't leaving your side
Mason - you better not leave us tho
Y/n - that is very unlikely. I'm going to miss you boys
Connor - let's not think about it yet okay.
Y/n - fine but I actually have one more surprise for you both.
Mason - what
Y/n - let's wait till we are in the sky first.
The plane took off and I turned to them both.
Y/n - shut your eyes and hold out both of your hands.
Connor + Mason - Okayyy ...
I placed a small black box in each of their hands.
Y/n - andddd open!
They were both confused before they opened the box. Inside was a small key ring. It was a tree and had 9 branches to it.
Y/n - wait just a moment. Boys I have something for you.
I passed the 6 boys the small boxes as well and they opened them too.
Ty - these are really cute.
Y/n - okay flip them over.
They all flipped them over and smiled. I had got each of their names engraved into a branch to show that no matter what we would always be together. This is my family and no one is going to take them away from me. We all exchange hugs and I fall asleep on Mason and Connors lap with Connor stroking my hair.
B - is she out?
Connor - like a light.

Thank you for reading another chapter! I am so sorry that I haven't posted recently, I have just moved into my Uni house and I am getting my head around everything that is going on here. Have a wonderful day!

Word count: 1482

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