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Beyonce POV

I stared down at my phone, contemplating whether or not I should call my mother. Before I left Houston, my mother and I were really close. She knew me more than I knew myself. My father on the other hand, we weren't really that close. Since he used to work in the military he was gone for most of the time which left my mom being the one to take care of Solange and I.

As much as I'm scared to call, I know that I have to do it eventually.

I took my phone from my nightstand and went to my contacts so that I can call my mom.


I heard my mother's voice after the third ring. I was so happy to finally hear her voice again. It gave me this warm fuzzy feeling inside and I was all gummy.

"Who's this?"

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks as I heard her voice again. Its a good thing that Ryan ain't home because I don't want him barging in my room and seeing me crying.

"Hello mama," I croaked after a minute of silence.


I just busted into tears seeing that she still remembers my voice.

"Yes mama, its me Beyonce," I said and the other line went silent. "Are you still there?" I then heard a thud in the background.

"Oh my gosh! Tina!"

That sounded a whole lot like my father. He sounded like he was in a panic. I wonder what's happening on the other side? I'm starting to worry.

"Hello? Is anybody there?"

There was no answer just indistinct shuffling.

"Wake up Tina! Come on baby wake up!"

My heart started pounding. She must have passed out. I disconnected the phone and I laid back on my bed and I stared at the ceiling.

Leaving Houston was the dumbest thing I've ever done. I left my friends and my family for a guy that ended up hurting me. If I never left Houston I wouldn't be feeling this bad and ashamed of myself but then again, if I stayed in Houston I wouldn't have Ryan in my life. I wouldn't have known mama Rose, Eric and Rihanna. I guess leaving Houston is both a blessing and a curse.

As I was lost in my thoughts I suddenly became queasy. I got up and rushed to the bathroom to throw up.

Tina POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open. I looked around to see myself laying on the living room couch.

"I'm so glad you're awake honey. I was worried sick when you passed out," my husband, Matthew said as he knelt next to the couch. I sat up and he came and sat next to me. "Who were you talking to?"

I sighed. "It was Beyonce," I said lowly and Matthew simply stared at me like I had five heads or was some retard.

"Beyonce?" He raised his brow at me and I nodded my head. "Impossible!" He sprung up. "She's dead and she ain't never coming back," he said and he stormed out of the living room.

I know Matthew regrets never mending things with Beyonce but his pride prevents him from even admitting it. I also regret never going to visit Beyonce in California even though I went there a lot to visit Solange when she was still in college.

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