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Beyonce POV

"What are you doing babe?" Shawn said walking out of the bathroom after doing his night routine.

"I'm sitting on an exercise ball. What does it look like?" I said slowly bouncing on the exercise ball. I'm now one week away from my due date.

Shawn came and sat in front of me with his hands resting on my thighs. "I see you're on an exercise ball. Why are you on an exercise ball?"

"It relaxes me," I said. "Help me up. I'm done for tonight," I said then he helped me up. We both crawled in bed, said our 'goodnights' and 'I love you' then we called it a day.

Just when I found my comfort spot, I suddenly felt the urge to pee. I hate it when that happens. The bedcovers are so warm and now I have to get out of bed.

"Why can't you two give your mother a break?" I grumbled as I got out of bed. I went to the bathroom to do my business and that's when I felt a gush of fluid flowing out of me. "Oh shit," I whispered.

I cleaned myself up and waddled out of the bathroom to the closet to get my sweatpants and baseball jacket.

I went to sit on Shawn's side of the bed then I started shaking him. "Wake up babe," I said shaking him but he didn't budge. "Wake up!" I yelled then I slapped him across his face. His eyes popped open and he sat up. "Good, you're up."

He held his sore cheek in shock. "Why did you-"

"My water broke," I cut him mid sentence. "Get up so we can go to the-...Aaaahh! Ssshhiiit!" I screamed in pain as I had a contraction with my hand resting on the bottom of my belly.

"Oh my gosh," Shawn panicked as he flung the bedcovers to the side. "Shit, shit, shit," he said running around the bedroom like a headless chicken. You'd swear that he's the one having the baby. I sat back rubbing my belly as I watched him frantically put his clothes on.

"Baby, your pants are on backwards," I said chuckling.

"Thanks hun," he said then he took them off. He ran into the closet and came out in a couple of seconds carrying a duffle bag then he rushed out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

"Shit, babe I'm sorry," he said coming back inside to get me. "Let's go to the hospital."

We woke up Ryan and we were off.

Shawn POV

I'm honestly not prepared for this. I thought I was but its obvious that I'm panicking more than Beyonce. I'm trying to keep calm as I drive Beyonce to the hospital with Ryan at the back.

"Ugh! Drive faster babe," Beyonce groaned next to me as I drove us to the hospital. "Fuck, This shit is painful!" Beyonce screamed with her hands on her belly.

We finally got to the hospital and they immediately prepared her room. I called Solange to take Ryan to her place so that he'll sleep because my son just couldn't keep his eyes open.

Solange came back to be with me and Beyonce.

"How's the mother-to-be doing?" August asked as he walked in the room with Nicki trailing behind him.

"Nicki, tell your husband to shut up or else-...Uggghh!" She groaned as she laid back on the pillow and squeezed the shit out of my hand. "Can someone get me some ice. I'm feeling hot," she said between breaths. Nicki got up and went to get Beyonce her ice. "You doing alright babe?"

"I should be asking you that question," I said and I kissed the back of her hand. "You're the one having the contractions."

She closed her eyes and slowly took in a couple of deep breaths. "I'm fine. I'm asking you because this is your first rodeo," she said smiling at me.

"I am nervous and really excited that I'm gonna witness the birth of my children," I said.

"Just a heads up. There's gonna be a lot of screaming when I'm pushing the babies out and I WILL squeeze the crap out of your hand," she said innocently.


After about eight hours of Beyonce having contractions, the doctor coming in and out checking how far she has dilated and giving her fluids to keep her hydrated she was finally ready to push.

I thought Bey was pulling my leg on the squeezing of my hand, her grip was so tight my hand became numb from all the pain. I know my pain was nothing compared to what Beyonce was feeling when she was pushing our children into this world.

I'm proud to say that Beyonce gave birth to our twins who came out healthy and strong despite her pre-eclampsia. She gave birth to our beautiful baby girl, Brooklyn Carter and four minutes later she gave birth to our handsome baby boy, Houston Carter.

They kept Beyonce for two more days then she was discharged together with the twins.

"Awe, is mommy's baby hungry?" Beyonce said in her baby voice with Houston in her arms. She popped out her boob and Houston immediately clung onto it as he had his milk.

Beyonce sat on a rocking chair as she fed our son and I was sitting on the other rocking chair as I burped Brooklyn. Ryan decided to come with us to the twins nursery. He was busy stacking up the drawers and folding baby clothes.

"Wow, being a big brother really changed you. You're now responsible and you're cleaning up after them," Beyonce said looking at Ryan as she continued breastfeeding.

"I do it because it's fun and it makes me feel good. Also, it keeps me occupied because seeing you breastfeed gives me the creeps," he said folding some more clothes for the twins. "Dad, is uncle August gonna be your best man?"

"Yes, I've already asked him and he agreed," I said getting up and placing a sleeping Brooklyn in her crib. She looks so cute and peaceful as she slept. "What kind of wedding do you want hun?" I asked Bey as she burped Houston.

"I don't really have the full details in my head but I want it to be small and intimate. I don't want the world of social media around and paparazzi. I just want my close family to be there," she said putting Houston in his crib. She blew a kiss to Houston as he slept peacefully in his crib.

"Whatever y'all choose I'm sure its gonna be fire," Ryan shrugged and he walked out.

My eyes landed on Beyonce who was fixing herself up. I went to her and gently pulled her closer to my body with my hands resting on her waist. She smiled at me as she looked up at me.

"For someone who just finished breastfeeding two hungry babies, your boobs are huge," I said.

She chuckled. "That's what happens to a woman's body after giving birth," she smiled.

My eyes went wide. "Damn, I should impregnate you more often." She rolled her eyes and smashed her lips onto mine. My hands roamed her body and finally rested them on her fat ass and I gave it a slight squeeze. I broke the kiss and looked at her. "Stop teasing. The doctor told us that we can't be doing nothing for three months because you're still healing."

She sighed. "Its gonna be the longest three months," she said. "Let's go get something to eat downstairs." I let her go and watched her as she switched on one baby monitor and took the other.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for me and my family. I'm happy that I get to share this exciting journey with them.

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