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Beyonce POV

"Mmm, that ain't right," I said under my breath as I rubbed my back.

"What's wrong girl? You've been rubbing your back ever since you got here," Nicki said.

Solange and I decided to pay Nicki a visit so that we can chill and just enjoy ourselves. Nicki managed to convince August to set up a picnic for us using the picnic table that's in their backyard. Us ladies didn't even have to do a single thing because August had it all covered. He's such a caring husband.

"My back just hurts a little and I'm a bit tired," I said then I took a sip of my apple juice.

"Oooohhhh la la! What were you and Shawn doing that has your back hurting and you tired?" Solange wiggled her eyebrows at me.

Shawn and I have been going out a lot lately. We're just taking our time to know each other a bit better in order to make our relationship work.

"Ha-ha very funny," I sarcastically said to Solange. "For your information the last time Shawn and I went out on a date was two days ago. We went out for lunch and made out in his car. That's all," I said smiling just by thinking of Shawn.

Nicki sucked her teeth. "Lies! I bet Shawn hit that," she twisted her lips.

"Yah, like once," I said under my breath.

"So you guys fucked? Okay," Solange said and she busted out laughing. She finally caught her breath. "Anywho, I've got some news," she said sounding serious.

I gasped. "Oh my gosh! Are you pregnant?"

She scoffed. "Hell nah I ain't," Solange retaliated. "Back to my news," she fixed her posture then she cleared her throat. "Mama called me and she told me that you called her. I told her everything Bey. Well, almost everything. I left out the part on who tried to kill you," she looked at me.

I figured. I guess mama don't wanna talk to me because she hasn't called me back yet. I get it if she don't wanna talk to me but I'm still making that appearance in the family reunion.

"I told her to call you back Bey but she has been giving me excuses and more excuses. Dad on the other hand thinks I'm delusional, he said that you died a long time ago and you ain't never coming back," Solange said with saddened eyes.

I couldn't even hold back my tears, I just let them flow. "I understand. I did them wrong and this is karma biting my ass. Its no big deal," I smiled through the tears even though I was heart broken. Imma keep it together and fight through this.

"Don't cry boo," Nicki said as she brought me into her embrace. "We'll help you get through this. For starters, go to your family reunion okay boo?"

I broke the hug and nodded. "Okay," I said wiping my tears.

Karma is indeed a bitch. Karma took it all from me but I'm still breathing.

"Enough with the sappy sad shit. This shit has got me all up in my feelings," I smiled and the girls chuckled. "I'm thinking of starting my own clothing line," I said.

"That's a great idea. Start with sport wear though. I want to go back to the gym after dropping this little nugget," Nicki said rubbing her belly. She's almost five months pregnant now.

"The clothes should be comfort wear," Solange chimed it.

"I'm guessing y'all approve of what I wanna do huh?" I said.

"Yes bitch," they said in unison followed by giggles.

We continued talking about how they'll hook me up with investors and how imma go about with the whole clothing line. I wanna start small, slowly make my way to the top then I'll finally have my own fashion company with multiple clothing stores all over the country.

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