1. Welcome to Stark Industries

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Somewhere in New York, in the biggest building of the town, was a man whining as he walked behind a strong and powerful woman. The man was called Tony Stark, and the woman was none less than Pepper Potts. "What do you mean there's a kid coming over to have a talk with me?" He complained like some kind of an overgrown man-child.

"I mean that he had the highest score on those tests we sent out so I invited him for a talk. With you." She simply said as she poured herself a cup of tea. "But why with me Pep? I have important things to do!" He exclaimed frustrated. "Dodging meetings and being hovered in your lab to work on your suit is not important work. Besides, I think you and him will have a lot in common. Trust me." She reassured him, Tony knew that there wasn't anything else he could do than to obey her, since sometimes his fiancée managed to scare him a little.

"Alright," he groaned admittedly, "when does he get here?" Pepper looked at her watch as she took a sip from her tea. "In about 30 minutes." She told him, Tony nodded defeatedly which caused a smile to erect on Pepper's lips. "Be nice to him, okay? He's still just a kid." She said as she planted a loving kiss on his cheek before disappearing off into the elevator, her cup of steaming tea was left motionless on the counter.

The man sighed, he didn't necessarily think that he could ever have something in common with a kid. But he also didn't want to disappoint Pepper, since he had already given her his word that he would give the boy a chance. Tony poured himself a cup of coffee, staring at the black substance in his mug as he thought what could possibly make that child so special. In one enormous sip he drank all of his coffee, ignoring the burning feeling the hot liquid had left behind.


Tony was clicking his pen subconsciously as he leaned back as far as possible in his chair and overlooked the view of New York from his window. The file of the boy was scattered across his desk, he had read everything that could possibly be read about him. "Boss, the boy Miss. Potts talked about has arrived." FRIDAY notified shortly before a soft knock could be heard from the door. "Come in!" He yelled, he made a 180° turn in his chair to face a young man with brown curly hair and brown eyes. He looked helplessly around before locking his eyes with Tony's.

"Please, take a seat." He offered, the boy clumsily made his way towards the chair while muttering a soft thank you. "So, Peter, what makes you so special?" Mr. Stark asked, which left the boy speechless. "Uhm, nothing. Really." He said anxiously, which only caused the billionaire to grin. "I'm just joking around, tell me something about you." He asked, the boy softly nodded.

"M-my name is Peter Parker, sir. I-I'm 15 years old. Just moved to Queens with my aunt." He told, Tony nodded with every piece of information he had been granted. "Where did you live before?" He asked, "London, sir." The man could've face palmed himself right there and then. Of course, he thought. The boy's accent was clearly British.

"Well, tell me why you want this internship?" He asked, the boy shrugged. "It's obligatory for my school to let everyone take this at the beginning of the year, so when I joined I had to take it too. It's just luck that I got here, I guess." He said, which caused Tony to raise an eyebrow. "Kid, you got the highest score anyone of your age has ever scored. Do you realise that?" He asked. The boy shrugged once more.

"I'm going to offer you an internship here, kid. More specifically, my personal intern. I can use a mind like yours by my side." He said, realising that Pepper was indeed right. "Seriously?" He asked, his eyes lit up. "Seriously kid, can you start right now? I still gotta finish a project." He offered, the boy nodded aimlessly. "Sure!" He exclaimed happily. Tony smiled back, standing up from his chair.

"Welcome to Stark Industries, I guess." He smiled warmly, something which surprised both him and the boy. Pepper had sent multiple people to him in order for them to get an internship, and all were much older than this boy here was. Tony had sent most of the people out of his office again, some of them had even ran out crying.

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