2. The vigilante who calls himself Spider-Man

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Nick Fury knew everything about everyone that was going on. After all, he was the one that started the Avengers initiative. His reaction when he found out that a new unregistered superhero suddenly popped up wasn't that lightly, to say the least. "Who is this person?" He spat out while throwing the numerous papers on his desk, the file that contained all the possible information was scattered around and left a mess behind.

"He goes by the alias of Spider-Man, director." The man said quietly, scared of his director's possible reactions. "When has he first been spotted?" He asked, his one eye was focused on the man in front of him who seemed to tremble underneath his glare. "T-two weeks ago sir." He stuttered which only made Fury angrier.

"Two weeks? And no one has told me anything?" He exclaimed frustrated, he really wished he held something else in his hands that he could smash to pieces. But his hands were completely empty, perhaps that was for the best. "Get me more information about this Spider-Man, agent." The director demanded, the poor agent didn't have a choice but to not and scramble out of the office.

"Two weeks, goddammit." He repeated quietly underneath his breath. His mind still couldn't grasp around the fact that someone had managed to go under his radar for that long. He opened his laptop and tried to find any more clues about the hero, mostly by hacking into databases. Still, he was left with nothing. Eventually he called in another agent who seemed even more scared than the previous one, as she noticed that Fury had become more frustrated than before.

"Call a meeting with the Avengers, will you? We have a new mission." He said, his back was towards the agent as his eye scanned the view from the window. Oh, he would find out who this Spider-Man person is, even if it would be the last thing he ever did.


If you would've told Tony Stark two weeks ago that he would ever grow fond of a 15 years old boy, he would've laughed at you straight in the face. He never really bothered to care so deeply about someone who was just an intern to his billion dollar company, but he did this time. Over the past two weeks he had spent a lot of time with Peter in his lab, the duo had a nice balance of working together that he truly enjoyed. He knew how the boy thought and he assumed that the boy knew how he thought.

He also noticed the little smiles Pepper threw whenever she was done in the office and heard that he was in his lab together with Peter. Every day she asked him if he could stay over for dinner, most of the days he accepted and they learned more about him.

Tony learned that the boy didn't have any parents, but did have an aunt. His favourite colour was red, Tony then proceeded to joke that it was because of the Iron Man suit and Peter jokingly replied yes. He didn't see the slight hint of hurt in the boys eyes that was nearly always invisible, not even Pepper saw it. After all, it was only there for a millisecond.

Tony Stark would also declare it a lie if anyone would tell him that he was actually looking forwards to the time when Peter usually arrived at the tower. But deep down, he knew, that it wasn't a lie and that he was actually growing attached to him.

He was hauled up in his lab once again, like nearly every Monday afternoon, until his AI suddenly paused the blaring music for an alert. "Boss, a meeting seems to be called by Director Fury." FRIDAY spoke, Tony groaned and shot an annoyed look at his AI. "Is it urgent? Peter arrives in 34 minutes." He complained. If AI's could sound sorry, then that was the tone FRIDAY spoke in when she answered him.

"He says that no one can miss this meeting because it's important." She said, Tony groaned and stood up dramatically. "If my kid arrived before the meeting ends tell him I'll be back soon, alright?" He asked her. "Sure thing boss." She replied, Tony tried his best to arrive at the meeting as late as possible because he really didn't want to be there.

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