3. Well, not hell exactly. The Avengers.

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The city loved to have a superhero who stood up for the little guy. Despite the fact that Spider-Man only came in the light two weeks ago, the people adored him. And it seemed as if Spider-Man adored them back. At first, he was a bit awkward around the people but he soon grew accustomed to them. It was Wednesday, and Spider-Man was calmly swinging through the streets.

He heard it from far behind him, the soft talking over coms and the sound of a flying iron suit following him close behind. He swung towards a flat roof and landed with ease on both of his feet. "You can come out now." He said, he swiftly turned around just as Tony Stark landed behind him. "Ask Black Widow, Hawkeye and Captain America too come out too while you're at it." He said cockily, Tony spoke in the coms to do so and soon the other Avengers revealed themselves too.

"How did you know we were here?" Natascha asked, she looked closer upon the boy and noticed the spider on his back. "Call it intuition." He said, Tony waved Natascha's question away as he took the word once more. "Anyway, Fury wants you to have a chat with him." He explained, now it was Spider-Man's turn to wave the words away.

"I don't care about S.H.I.E.L.D. Or the Avengers, really." He said before waving a quick goodbye and jumping off off the building. Tony ran towards the edge of it, expecting the worst, but was met with the sight of Spider-Man swinging away. "Follow him." Captain America demanded, ad the Avengers obeyed.

Soon our four heroes were following the young superhero throughout the city, as if Spider-Man had planned on slinging away. Eventually they all got tired, and Clint shot some arrows which Spider-Man managed to dodge with ease. Black Widow signalled for Clint to fire some more as she threw her Widow Bites with perfection at the web slinger. While dodging one of the arrows a Widow Bite scraped against the boy's arm and for a moment he lost his balance before regaining it.

Peter shot another web to a building until he heard the sound of a giant frisbee flying through the wind. Just a second too late he realised that Cap's shield had cut his web right above him. "Oh buggers." Peter muttered underneath his mask before he realised he could simply shoot another web. The sound of a repulser  echoed somewhere behind him, but his Spidey sense didn't warn him so he ignored it. But oh boi, that was perhaps his first mistake in years.

The boy felt a burning sensation on his side right where part of the repulsor managed to hit him. Peter swung towards a tiny alley, but first made sure that he had lost the Avengers. When he noticed that no one had managed to follow him, he let himself painfully fall on the ground. His side wound was throbbing and his suit was drenched in blood where the Widow Bite had managed to scratch him.

Sure, he wanted to toy around with them but he never even thought that they would use their weapons against someone who wasn't even dangerous. Or, not this dangerous in this suit anyway. He grumbled as he looked at the cloudy sky above him. Perhaps this is what I deserve, he thought. I should've never have gotten attached to Tony Stark in the first place, the teen thought to himself once more. He grabbed himself together, trying to ignore the protesting feeling in his body as he made his way back to his apartment.

The swinging to there was painful, simply because he had started to lose all his feeling in one of his arms. But eventually, he arrived and climbed through the window. There he saw the laptop on the table, right where he had left it. He couldn't help but let out a frustrated laugh. "This is what y'all wanted? Wasn't it?" He scoffed before logging in.

"Welcome, Agent Spider." Came the voice of no one less than Mrs. Noudat, the person who sent him on this mission, greeted. "You look like you've been through hell." She said, clearly noticing how her best Agent had gotten hurt. "Well, not hell exactly. The Avengers. They want to know who Spider-Man is." He explained to her.

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