6. I've never felt so alive

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Tony steadied his grip on the teen, scared that he would fall while the foundations of the tower shook dangerously underneath their shoes. "I'm fine. Super sticky, remember?" Peter said, laughing softly. Tony tried to smile, he really did, but worry overtook his expression once more. "You need to rest." He said, he just wanted the teen to be okay again.

"Later, okay? They're attacking the tower and we need to stop them." Peter said confidently, Tony shook his head disapprovingly while he still held the teen as they descended the stairs. "I want you to rest." Tony reminded him. "And I said I don't need resting. Honestly, I've never felt so alive." The teen said as he softly took off Tony's arms. Tony felt slightly hurt by this gesture but quickly shook it off, he knew that the teen only wanted to have him safe.

It was then that Tony noticed the clothes Peter was wearing, a similar suit to his Spider-Man one but then in complete black. "Peter-" Tony said as he followed the teenager down, Peter shot Tony a reassuring glance. "Don't worry dad, it'll be alright." He said, if the circumstances weren't so unfortunate he would feel out of his skin at the fact that Peter saw him as a dad, but now it only caused him to feel even more scared. Even before Tony could let any more protests escape his mouth, he saw the teen run down the stairs.

Because of the attack the elevators were all shut down, so Tony didn't have another choice than to activate his nano tech suit that soon submerged his entire body. He wouldn't be in his right mind if he would let Peter fight against those intruders without him doing so too. This may be their last battle together, and he wouldn't let anyone dare to hurt his son.


Peter was running on the ceiling, since that was much more efficient than running on the stairs. "FRIDAY, where are they fighting?" He asked the AI. "They're currently at the first floor, but they're gaining floors fast. Also, glad that you are back, Peter." She responded, Peter couldn't help but smile. "Glad to be back." He said, as he started to run faster. He could hear Tony flying near him, and at a sudden point he lifted the teen up in his arms so that they were flying together.

Peter threw his arms around Tony's neck, even though he wasn't scared at all. A small smile crept around his lips as he watched the teen enjoy flying in his arms. When the two arrived on the scene of action they both had a different feeling.

Tony, he mostly felt scared. He didn't want to bring the young boy into a fight like this. Sure, he fought criminals in his free time, but this attack was planned. All he wanted to do was wrap the boy in some blankets and put him somewhere safe, preferably as far away as possible. Peter, on the other hand, was glad that they finally arrived. Because for the first time in his life, he felt like he would fight for something good. It was an odd feeling for the HYDRA agent, but it was something he could get used to. And that made him smile.

Peter threw his legs off Mr. Stark's arms and slowly released the man out of his grip. He saw people making their way towards them and prepared himself for a battle position. "Hey Pete?" Tony asked. "Yes Mr. Stark?" Tony pretended like the name Mr. Stark didn't really hurt him, but it did. "Be careful alright?" Peter nodded, a smile was visible but soon disappeared as he put on his mask again. "Pete?" Tong asked once more. "Yes?" The boy looked at him, while Tony's face plate shove back in place.

"Don't kill anyone, alright? I don't want you to have that on your conscious." He said as he hovered back in the air. "No offence, Mr. Stark, but I think it's a bit late for that." He said, he swung off into the battle leaving Tony to wonder what he had meant. The genius already had a small suspicion, but he feared for it being true.

Peter ran into battle like he had done many times before. He took out two knives from his suit and was about to throw them until his sixth sense went off, he reached out his hands and caught two small black devices that could fit around his wrists. "Use these webshooters instead kid." Tony said as he flew over him. Peter smiled gratefully and attached them, already webbing up the intruders. His sixth sense went off again and he dodged the bullet, picking up his knife and throwing it at whoever fired that gun.

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