Chapter 2: The Wait Is Over

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Jasmine woke up to a slight tightening in her abdomen and rolled onto her side, thinking it was just back pain. Her eyes flew open when she realized what it actually was and she slowly sat up. She exhaled slowly and cradled her bump, whispering, "Is today the day we finally get to meet you?"

"Was' that?" Anthony mumbled, rubbing his eyes. 

Jasmine laughed and said, "Wasn't directed towards you bub."

"Oh okay," he responded, starting to drift back off. "Is bubba wakin' you up?"

"I guess you could say that..." she told him, trailing off.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, opening his eyes halfway. 

"Bubba's waking me up because I think she's ready to come today," she said. 

Anthony's eyes flew open and he immediately sat up. "Are you getting contractions? Is it time? Where's the hospital bag?" he asked in a panic. 

Jasmine laughed, placing her hand on his arm. "Baby, she's not coming right now," she told him. "The contractions aren't strong enough and they aren't close enough either. Calm down, I'll know when it's time."

Anthony exhaled and flopped back down on the bed. "You scared the shit out of me Jas," he said.

Jasmine laughed and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Look at me comforting you while I'm the one who's getting contractions," she teased. 

He made a face at her and sat up, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "You want me to make some breakfast?" he asked.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," she told him, brushing her fingers through his hair. "I would like it if bubba still had a place to come home to."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Haha very funny. Besides I'm pretty sure we only need the kitchen."

"Hey, don't use that language in front of the baby!" she exclaimed, smacking his arm. 

"What language?" he asked, smirking.

"Okay crazy, I'm making breakfast," she told him, getting out of bed. Anthony immediately followed her downstairs, keeping his hand on her back. 

"Are you sure you can do this? I can help you if you need it," he said. 

"I'm fine baby," she responded. "The contractions just started and they're not that strong. I know she's coming soon, but it's not for a while."

Anthony sighed and she kissed him. "Go lay down bub, you're stressing yourself out and that's not gonna help either of us. Or her too, if you're setting a bad example," she told him. 

He sighed and went over to the couch, laying down and petting the dogs when they walked over to him. She felt the light kicks starting and she smiled, cradling her bump with her free hand. They ate breakfast and went back into their bedroom seeing as Anthony had a call to work on his next album. Jasmine sat down in the rocking chair, folding up a few more baby clothes and making sure the hospital bag was 100% ready. 

She felt a sharp tightening in her abdomen and took a deep breath, placing her hand on her stomach. Anthony noticed and put himself on mute.

"You okay baby girl?" he asked. 

She nodded and responded, "Yeah, I'm fine. They aren't that strong."

"You sure?" he said and she nodded. He unmuted himself and mumbled an excuse.

Jasmine smiled, rubbing her stomach and getting back to folding clothes. 

She smiled at the multiple outfits they had gotten for her, most of which were bought by Anthony. He was even more of a sucker for baby clothes than she was. 

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