Chapter 6: Back Again

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Despite the fact that Jasmine and Anthony were extremely happy to have their little girl, Anthony could see the toll it was taking on her in only a few weeks. She was up all night, taking care of her and barely got any sleep. She was also stressed out during the day, forcing herself to stay awake so she could take care of Star. Anthony tried to make sure she was resting, but she was only able to fall in and out of sleep, despite the fact that she was exhausted. 

She felt nauseous even though she didn't have a fever and she was dizzy and struggling to focus. After the fifth day of feeling like she could barely move, Anthony said, "Okay, you're staying in bed today. I'm going to take care of Star today."

She shook her head and mumbled, "I can take care of her, it's okay."

"Baby, you're shaking and you can barely move, let me take care of her," he said, placing his hand on her arm.

She sighed, curling up under the covers and fell back asleep. She woke up again around noon, her head pounding and another wave of nausea washing over her. 

She ended up hunched over the toilet, feeling like she was going to throw up. She started shaking and crying, calling out for Anthony. He immediately came upstairs, sitting next to her. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked, rubbing her back. 

"I don't feel good," she sobbed, curling against him. 

"I feel like I'm gonna throw up and I can't focus at all and I can't stop shaking," she told him. 

"What do you need?" he asked, lifting her up and laying her back in their bed.

"I don't know," she said, clinging onto him. "I don't know what's happening."

He laid down with her, rubbing her back and kissing her forehead. 

"Ant," she said quietly, a few minutes later.

"What is it?" he asked, sitting up and she clung onto him, burying her face in his chest.

"I'm gonna pass out," she mumbled. 

"Wait, huh?" he said, feeling startled.

"Gonna pass out," she whispered, before going limp in his arms. 

Anthony felt his heart rate pick up and he laid her down, making sure she was comfortable. He was freaking out, immediately googling what was happening, hoping he could find an answer. One of the first things that popped up was low blood pressure and he blew out a breath. Every symptom matched what she had been feeling. The second thing he googled was when to take someone with low blood pressure to the hospital. 

"Most doctors will only consider chronically low blood pressure as dangerous if it causes noticeable signs and symptoms, such as: Dizziness or lightheadedness." 

"Shit," he mumbled, immediately calling his mom. 

"Ma, I need you to come over to take care of Star. Jas passed out and I think she has low blood pressure. I need to take her to the hospital," he rushed out before she even had time to say hello.

"Is she okay?" she asked. "I'm on my way."

"I don't know, that's why I need to take her to the hospital," he told her. 

"Alright, make sure she's comfortable and I'll be there in a few minutes," she said.

"Alright, I'll see you then Ma," he responded and hung up. 

He got up, going over to Star's crib and picking her up. She yawned, looking up at him. 

"I gotta take care of Mama for a little bit, but you get to hang out with Grandma. I've gotta make sure Mama's all healthy before she can be at her very best to take care of you. I love you very much bubba and I'll be home soon," he told her, leaning down and kissing her forehead. 

He laid her down in her crib and heard the buzzer go off, which meant his mom was here. He went downstairs quickly, letting her in. 

"Hey, Star's up in our room in her crib, I'm gonna take Jas to the hospital. I'll call when they figure out what's going on," he told her. 

He went back up into their room, picking Jasmine up bridal style and carrying her down to the car. She woke up halfway through the car ride, mumbling, "Was' going on?"

"You passed out baby, I'm taking you to the hospital," he told her.

"What?" she asked, sitting up. "Where's Star?"

"My mom's taking care of Star," he said. "I'm worried about you lovely, I think you have low blood pressure."

"Wait, why?" she responded, obviously confused and still feeling sick.

"You're stressing yourself out too much," he told her. "I need you to be at your best before you can take care of her."

She mumbled something, closing her eyes again. 

"Stay awake for me Jas," he told her. "You can keep your eyes shut, but I need you to stay awake for me."

"Okay," she whispered. 

They pulled up to the hospital and Anthony brought her in, quickly explaining to the receptionist what was happened. They took her to get tested while Anthony filled out some paperwork. 

Once they were finished, they called him back. Jasmine was in a bed, with an IV in her arm, half awake. He rubbed her arm and leaned down, kissing her forehead. 

"Your wife has low blood pressure, which normally is treatable at home, but when factors such as dizziness and fainting come into factor it can be dangerous," the doctor told him. "We have to keep her here to monitor her for a few days."

"What about my daughter?" Jasmine asked. 

The doctor obviously looked confused and Anthony continued, "We have a three week old at home, is there any way to take care of her?"

"Well, obviously you can't bring her into the hospital, seeing as she's so young. It'll only be a few days though, so there shouldn't be a need for any major changes," he told them. 

The two of them nodded and Jasmine closed her eyes again, resting. 

"I'll be back in about half an hour, we need to determine the best way to treat this," he told them. "By the way, visitor hours end at 6 and, I'm sorry, but you're not allowed to stay."

"Alright, I understand that," Anthony responded. 

The doctor left the room and Anthony sat down in a chair, brushing his thumb over the back of his hand. "How're you feeling baby?" he asked.

She tugged his hand and mumbled, "Get in with me."

He laughed quietly, getting into the bed with her. She cuddled up to him, laying her head on his chest. "My head still hurts," she told him.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry," he said, kissing her forehead. 

She closed her eyes, letting herself rest. "Can I sleep now?" she asked.

"Of course you can," he responded. "I love you baby."

"I love you too Ant," she responded, almost immediately falling asleep against him.

this song is how i learn to move on

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