Chapter 3: Welcome to the World

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Jasmine gripped Anthony's hand and mumbled, "Here comes another one." She leaned forward, cradling her bump with her free hand.

"Oh fuck that hurts," she gasped, trying to block out the pain.

"We're almost at the hospital bubba," he told her, brushing his thumb over the back of her hand. "Just a few more minutes."

She nodded, squeezing her eyes shut. She leaned her head on her free hand until it ended and sat back up, blowing a breath out.

"This is gonna hurt more than I thought," she told him.

"I'm sorry Jas," he said, gently squeezing her hand. "I'm right here though. 'M not gonna let go of your hand."

She smiled at him and mumbled, "You're too sweet."

They pulled up to the hospital and someone came out with a wheelchair. Anthony helped Jasmine out of the car and into the wheelchair as she quickly explained that she was in labor.

"I'm gonna park the car, I'll be right in," he told her. She nodded and the nurse took her inside as Anthony parked in the first space he could. He immediately went into her room and she was gripping onto the railing of the bed.

"I'm here Jazzy," he said, pulling up a chair and taking her hand. She squeezed it tightly, trying her best to breathe. He brushed his thumb over her cheek, pushing a few strands of her hair back. Jasmine looked up at the heartbeat monitor for Star and smiled back at Anthony.

"This is really happening," she said. "We're really gonna be parents."

"We're really gonna be parents," he repeated, kissing the back of her hand.

"We've been waiting so long for this and it's finally time," she told him. "Is it stupid to say I'm scared though?"

"Of course not," he responded. "I know this is really scary but I know you can do it. You're so strong and amazing and our baby girl is finally gonna be here."

She smiled, squeezing his hand. "I love you so much," she said.

"I love you too," he responded.

They had nurses and doctors coming in and out, checking on her and Star. Everything was running smoothly which meant they could start soon. Jasmine's contractions were getting closer together and stronger and when they were at two minutes, the doctors finally came in and said they were ready to start.

They explained the process and Jasmine took a deep breath, trying to absorb the information while dealing with the contractions. Anthony could see the pain on her face and the exhaustion even though they had barely started.

"Alright, you're ready to push," the doctor said. "Next contraction you can start."

Jasmine nodded, taking another deep breath and looking over at Anthony again.

"I know you can do this," he told her and she smiled. She made sure she was comfortable, rubbing her stomach again and looking over at the heartbeat monitor once more.

Her breath hitched in her throat as the next contraction hit and she leaned forward, squeezing Anthony's hand.

"Take deep breaths bubba," he told her. "Just focus on breathing."

She heard the doctors counting down seconds and relaxed when it ended. "It hurts so much already," she told him.

"I know Jas," he responded. "I know you can do this though. Just focus on breathing and pushing and she'll be here soon."

She started to say something but was cut off by another contraction, gasping and leaning forward again.

The minutes seemed to drag on forever and the pain just increased. She had tears streaming down her face and every time a contraction hit, she would just cry out in pain. Anthony hated seeing her like this and all he could do was hold her hand and comfort her.

"How much longer?" she whimpered, looking over at Anthony.

"I don't know Jas," he told her. "It's been a few hours so hopefully she'll be here soon."

She continued to push through the burning pain, feeling too exhausted to deal with it anymore. She was crying harder and she didn't know how much longer she could deal with the pain.

"Alright she's crowning!" one of the doctors exclaimed and Anthony felt relief rush through him.

"You're so close baby," he told her, kneeling down to her level. "Just a few more pushes and then she'll be here."

Jasmine was nearly blinded by the pain and her head was pounding. She was almost done, just a couple more. She continued to block out the pain as best as she could, squeezing Anthony's hand so tight her knuckles turned white. She finally felt that release of pressure she was waiting for and collapsed against the bed. They both heard their daughter crying and felt a wave of relief washing through them.

"You did it Jas," he said. "You're so amazing."

The doctors cleaned her off and wrapped her loosely in a blanket, laying her on Jasmine's chest.

"Baby, she's so beautiful," Anthony said, this indescribable feeling of happiness rising in him.

Jasmine looked up at him, her face shining. She looked back down at their daughter who was crying and squirming around.

Jasmine gently brushed the pad over her thumb over her cheek which started to calm her down.

"I can't believe she's finally here," she said and Anthony noticed she now had tears of happiness streaming down her face.

"You're so strong Jazzy," he said, kissing her forehead.

She started to calm down and Jasmine leaned over, pressing little kisses to her forehead. She yawned, snuggling up to Jasmine and the two of them laughed.

"That's right little one, I'm tired too," she said. She looked up at Anthony who still couldn't stop smiling. "You wanna hold her?"

"Oh god yes," he responded and Jasmine carefully transferred her into his arms.

She squirmed a little bit, surprised to be in someone else's arms. Anthony sat down in the chair next to the bed, not able to take his eyes off of her.

He leaned down to kiss her forehead and she wrapped her little hand around his thumb. He looked up at Jasmine with his own tears welling up. "She's so precious," he mumbled and Jasmine laughed softly.

He held her for a few more minutes, then handed her back to Jasmine.

"Welcome to the world baby girl," she said tiredly. She looked up at Anthony once more and he softly kissed her.

When they pulled apart, she looked back down at Star and whispered, "We already love you so much."

well forget what i said about updating once a day, it may be twice, or even three times if i'm really up to it so enjoy and if you didn't see my latest one shot, i'm always open to one shot requests

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