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It's been 24 hours and no one knows where Camila is. I've searched every place where she could possibly be. She agreed to meet me at dinner. She did not think twice agreeing. What could possibly change her mind? After her kiss with Shawn, what could possibly change?

The girls and I went back to her apartment and asked for some CCTV footage so we can know where she went, or she's at least safe. The last recorded video of her was when she went out, with bags in her hands, got in her car and disappeared to nowhere. I know she's safe, she's Camila, but I know Camila. She does not make impulsive decisions without thinking and the witnesses said she was alone, meaning no Mendes in sight meaning this isn't about him.

Or is my intuition wrong?

Her phone is unattended. She has no social media accounts that I can contact without getting tracked by her management. Did she really choose Shawn over us? Was Lexa right?

I can't help but to overthink. Obviously, I let Camila slip from my hands multiple times and I promised myself that was the last time, but right now she's nowhere near me, near us.

"Hey D? Any news?" I asked Dinah, who suddenly went to my office. The girls and I agreed for them to stay here, so we can work better together in finding Camila.

That girl, such a lovely mystery.

"Nah, I managed to pull some strings and browse through airport records. Nothing, she hasn't taken a plane. Well, not publicly. But can be in private." She explained.

"But that's absurd! Camila has no plane nor will she suddenly disappear without saying a thing. She won't, at least not for me but for Lexa. She loves Lexa, she will never break her heart." I said.

"She already did." Dinah said quietly.

It's true though, Lexa was really upset from what happened, she did not stop crying, she woke up and she just cried again. The little kid blamed herself for her mom leaving because she was being 'difficult' but she was only being honest. And this is also one of the many reasons why I did not let Camila meet Lexa immediately, because once she leaves Lexa cannot take it, she spent her time growing up asking for Camila and me promising to bring her back. Well, my fault too, mostly.

"What do we do?" I asked hopelessly.

"It's only been a day, Lo. Camila is strong and smart. Maybe she went on a vacation for a few days." Dinah tried to reassure me.

"Vacation but literally bringing all her clothes? I have a bad feeling D." I answered honestly.

"Right. For now, we can't do anything about it. We can't find someone who doesn't want to be found." Dinah said.


3 days, still nothing.

"Lexa, baby, please. You need to go to school please. Nick is already waiting to drive you. Please baby." I carefully pleaded to the little girl on her bed who hasn't been feeling like her normal self since her mommy disappeared.

"Look, baby. I know you miss mommy, I do too. And I am going to tell you this again. It is not your fault okay? Mommy chose to do this and I will bring her back, again, baby I promise." I sighed. I always will.

"You said that last time!" She huffed.

"I know, baby. But what your mom does is out of my control. I can only convince her. Come on, let's go to school. Break is over. We gotta get smart so we can have cool jobs, okay." I convinced her.

"But I am already smart, mommy told me so." She finally turned her back to me, her eyes red from crying.

"I know baby, and she will not like it if you skip class."

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