Chapter 27

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*Listen! I am well aware that The Turning takes place... not today. But let's be honest: Nothing about that movie makes ANY sense. So we're just going to roll with the punches. Enjoy what is hopefully the last chapter!*


   I didn't even get one foot out the car door before my mom started listing off all the bad things that could happen to me. She had agreed that taking me with her to her friends house would be boring for me considering she didn't have kids. I was not looking forward to sitting in silence while they discussed work or whatever it is adults talk about. The last thing I wanted was for her to ask me about school. So, my mom decided to drop me off in a town near the countryside for a few hours while she visited her friend.

   "Keep your phone with you," She said sternly. "Make sure your ringer is on, you hear me?"

   I couldn't help but laugh at her overprotective side. I could understand her worry. This place is new to me, and anything could happen. But it looked extremely busy, so if anything were to happen, someone would see it and report it. Hopefully. "I will. Go have fun, I'll be fine."

   Finally, she gave up on lecturing me and drove off. I wandered around awhile, popping in and out of small stores. I didn't end up buying anything because I have an issue with spending money on things I don't need. They did have a really cute bookstore, though. But I was tired after an hour of walking, so I decided to stop and sit on a park bench. I can always go back and get something before I have to go home.

   As I sat there staring at the lonely play structure, my mind drifted to the real reason I agreed to come here. Miles. I didn't really have a plan to see him, so I got my hopes up for nothing. I know he lives in the countryside, but that's a lot of land to cover. The only way I could see him is by going to his house, but that would require an address, which he failed to mention.

   A little girl came running over. "Excuse me? You dropped this." She said, holding out a five dollar bill.

   I took it from her small hand and gave her a grateful smile. "Oh, thank you very much."

   "You're welcome!" She exclaimed. "I also wanted to say that I think you are really pretty."

   "Thank you. I think you are very beautiful," I told her. "I'm Marianne. What's your name?"

   "That's a really pretty name. I'm-"

   "Flora!" I recognized the voice and the name. As I stared back at the little girl - Flora - I could see the resemblance. I looked behind me to see him only a few feet away. "I told you to stay..." His voice trailed off as he met my eyes. "...close." A smile broke out on his face, mirroring my own.

   I stood up from the bench as he walked around it. "Hello, again."

   "Hey," He sighed. He turned to his little sister and knelt down to her level. "Flora, why don't you go play with Kate." He said, looking back over his shoulders at a fairly tall woman with platinum blonde hair. I swore I recognized her, but I couldn't remember where from. Flora nodded and skipped off in Kate's direction. "I didn't expect to see you so soon," Miles said, returning to his feet. "I'm not complaining. I did mis you." He said, pulling me into a tight embrace.

   "Honestly, I didn't expect to see you at all," I shrugged, pulling away. "I guess it's my lucky day."

   Miles chuckled. He looked really happy for once. It was nice. His smile faded, and his features became serious. "How have you been since you got back? Did you also get a-"

   "A Book?" He nodded. "Yeah, I did. And I've been good, I guess. You?" I studied him closely. I didn't really know what it was I was looking for, but while I was looking, I stumbled across the bruises on his neck. They had faded to a yellow colour, meaning they were healing okay.

   "I've been great," He flashed a genuine smile. "Everything is back to the way it was. He's gone," His brows furrowed like he was uncertain of the answers he was giving. "Actually, it's more like he never existed. No one knows who he is."

   "Yeah, it's like my mom was saying, we never went on that trip. It never happened." He just stared at me. I couldn't blame him. There wasn't really anything to say. "I guess that's the one thing we got out of that game. The ability to go on with our lives, and not live in fear."

   "What about Brad and Gina?" He asked. "What happened to them?"

   I had found Sydney on social media. We exchanged numbers, and she told me she saw Brad at school the next day. He didn't talk to her. He didn't even look at her. Or anyone, really. "Sydney said Brad was at school, meaning he is alive. And, I guess, Gina would be, too?" We stood in silence, absorbing the information. Finally, I decided to switch the subject. "So, I'm guessing Flora's back to normal?" The way Miles' eyes lit up at the mention of his sister made me smile.

   "Yeah! Man, I really missed her," He shifted his gaze toward Flora playing on the structures. She caught his eye and waved. Miles and I waved back at her with huge smile on our faces. She was so sweet. "How long are you staying?"

   "We got here this morning, and we are staying the night at a hotel, then going home tomorrow morning," I frowned. "My mom came to visit a friend, and I decided to just look around."

   "You should come around again sometime. Maybe stay longer." He suggested. "I'll give you my address, and we could be pen pals." He said, hopefully.

   "Yes! I would like that a lot." I said, pulling out my phone to write down his address.

   "Miles!" Kate yelled across the park. "We're leaving now."

   Miles sighed and nodded. "I guess I'll see you later." He smiled sadly.

   "Yeah," I nodded. "See you later." We stared at each other, not wanting to move. Reached his hand up to cup my cheek, and pulled me in for a sweet goodbye kiss. I tried my best to savour the moment, but he pulled away too soon, wrapping me in a hug.

   From across the way, we heard Flora yell, "That's gross."

   "Pen pals?" Miles pulled away from the hug.

   "Of course," I chuckled. "See you soon, Miles."

   "See you soon, Mary." And off he went.

   I didn't know what we were, exactly. But I knew that we needed each other, and that was enough for the both of us. 

*Hi, it's over! This feels great. I have finally succeeded at something. Can I get a 'Yay for you'? I had a lot of fun writing this story. If you enjoy my writing, I have other works like, Losers: You're One Of Us Now (Stanley Uris) Follows the plot of IT Ch.1 and the odd scenes from Ch.2 with the younger Losers. I also have a Reddie book called Cute! Cute! Cute!. there isn't a lot in it right now, but you know, quality over quantity. Check them out if you would like. A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO WHOEVER COMMENTED AND HYPED ME UP! You know who you are ;) Thank you and goodnight!*

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