~★~ 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ~★~

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Hello again! 

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Hello again! 






So. Now that you're here, let's begin the rules! If you've read my other applyfic, the rules will be kinda repetitive. As will the basic format of chapter stuff and etc. CAUSE YOU GOT A LAZY AUTHOR ON YOUR HANDS HERE-

This applyfic will have slightly... uh... stricter?... rules since it's not going to be as freeform. BUT DO NOT FEAR! Your ridiculously lenient author, who is easily tempted with BL comics and by my lovely readers, is here! 

"I can't believe you're making us shoot another applyfic, my lady..." 

Oh yeah, and Evan's here too. Yay. In case you don't know, he's my dwarfy assistant. 

ANYway, let's finally start the rules.


#1. BE NICE.

I cannot. Stress this. Enough. This rule is firmly written in my blood and in this case, please don't rage at others. A friendly argument is fine, but other than that please keep the cursing and insults AT A MINIMUM. I can tolerate some, but not all. Thank you very much! (I don't think I imposed this enough in my previous applyfic, which led to me breaking up some arguments. LET'S NOT DO THAT THIS YEAR OKAY THANK YOU because my heart has been turned to glass that is easily broken through reading one-too-many sad and angsty fanfics. Yay.)


#2. Zodiac Reservations

If you reserve a spot, it will be open to you for two weeks and if you do not turn in your form within that time I will assume you have backed out and it will be open once again. Pretty straightforward. Of course, there will be three extra days where I will give you second chances because I am honestly too nice for my own good. 


#3. The !NOW EXTREME! Uniqueness Peeve

I can and I will (wow self since when did I start talking like that huh) tell you if I think your character is too much like another's. No Mary Sues or Gary Sues (whatever that means) and I'm not going to let you do so anyway! HAHAHAHAHA! But seriously, please try to have as much variety as much possible because that is one of the reasons why I like applyfics, because I get to see how creative and diverse others can be. ^ ^


#4. Be active, I guess. 

To be honest, the best way to get me updating more is to comment and encourage, because I practically live on you readers being too nice for me. I'M NOT KIDDING IN THE SLIGHTEST. But it is your choice whether or not you want to be active! It would be nice if you left a little comment here once and a while to tell me how I'm doing, etc. Constructive criticism is also welcomed, although warning, your darling author has a bad habit called overthinking most things and apologizing a lot. ^-^'


#5. Pay attention, thank you!

My brain is messy and this is a quirky before-I-thought-about-it ideas. As such, I may have to go back to revise something after actually giving it thought. I do not want to repeat myself a million times, so it would be good if you could absorb everything carefully all in one time. As I mentioned above, this applyfic will have tighter rules in order for this to work out properly, which is why I included this rule. Thanks! ^v^


#6. Just a buncha random questions-I mean, the passwords...

I don't honestly care about the passwords, but they could be helpful, so yeah. You can still enter even if you don't tell me this. 

Password 1: Zodiac/Good book recommendations.

Password 2: LGBTQ+ recommendations, because I am a total gaysian and a total sucker for hot guys in a relationship. 

You don't have to answer them both, you could just choose one or the other and I'd be totally fine with it! <3


Finally, the most important, and the thing YOU MUST ABSOLUTELY DO... 

#7. HAVE FUN!!!

This applyfic was also created for me to possibly make new friends and talk to new people and get to know what's going on in the creative minds of other writers out there, and help them get their own OC's out! I hope you all enjoy! (otherwise why are you even attnending...???)


There are the rules! Those are just the overall ones for the ones who are interested in attending. 

The actual, super detailed ones, will be written out in the next chapter. The rules that are infintedly longer and more boring than these are. 

But stick with me! 

Once again, thank you coming and reading!

AND DON'T ATTACK ME OKAY-I'm young! And mainly innocent! I'd love to live to see another day! Thank you! 

I hope I can keep you entertained enough to keep on reading! 

My updating schedule will be established once I actually start writing. 

Also, lil' shoutout to 


We all love you~!



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