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DO NOT BELIEVE THE TITLE. These characters are still VERY IMPORTANT to the story!! And please read through to the end. It seems super mundane at the beginning, I know. *winces* And there are a lot of minor roles this time around. Like, a lot a lot. 

First, the ones that appear at random times and come in at the beginning to help. 

School Guide Girl #1 [OPEN]

School Guide Girl #2 [OPEN]

School Guide Boy #1 [OPEN]

School Guide Boy #2 [OPEN]

They guide the zodiacs around the school and are there to help them out. Obviously, there are four because there are currently twelve superpowered teens who have no clue about what the heck are they supposed to do on Earth.

City Guide Girl [OPEN]

City Guide Boy [ Taken by its_william ]

Guide the zodiacs around the city and help them get acquainted with life on Earth. (The zodiacs have no idea how to live on Earth)

Bully Girl/Boy #1 [ Taken by NothingtoseeKatHD ]

Bully Girl/Boy #2 [OPEN]

Bully Girl/Boy #3 [OPEN]

Because every school story has to have at least one prissy jealous bully to let the main characters show off their superiority. ;)

Miscellaneous Person #1 [ Taken by its_william ]

Miscellaneous Person #2 [OPEN]

Miscellaneous Person #3 [OPEN]

Ranging from everything from shopkeepers, witnesses, pedestrians, teachers, students, you can choose for them to play any role in the story. 

Principal of the School [ Taken by Darkblaze450 ]

Pretty self-explanatory. (And yes, it's okay if the principal ends up in cahoots with the main villain... fufufu...) On that note, any suggestions on what I should name the college/school?

Next, mission people. 

Aries Mission Person [ Taken by iamconfusion34 ]

Taurus Mission Person [ Taken by iamconfusion34 ]

Gem Mission Person [ Taken by its_william ]

Mini Mission Person [OPEN]

Cancer Mission Person [ Taken by NothingtoseeKatHD ]

Leo Mission Person [OPEN]

Virgo Mission Person [OPEN]

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