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Here are the main zodiac genre protectors! 

(The picture above is just the one that inspired this, not necessarily what I'll do.)

So the main description is...

Each genre has a 'book' they need to protect, otherwise, their genre will disappear forever without it. Unfortunately, one day while they were horsing around, they accidentally ripped their books and a few pieces drifted down to Earth. Of course, they've gotta find them and get them back, but it's not that easy. 

The pages fell and attached themselves onto someone who needs 'help' in that genre. For instance, for Pisces's Romance book, the page would attach itself onto someone who needs help in love or could possibly have love in their life, just didn't find it yet. Etc. Only they can see the page and once they have completed their help or 'mission', the page will detach from the person and return to them. 

Does that make sense? If it doesn't, please tell me. Thank you!


TAKE NOTE: Some of these characters will have notes already on them, which are just 'forms' that I would like you to follow, because I thought a little more than I was supposed to on this. If you don't like that, we can negotiate like kind, civilized people. 

Uh... I guess I don't have much to say now, so I guess that... 


PAY ATTENTION: If you participated in my other zodiac applyfic and created a main OC, make them different, thank you! Don't make them completely the same-as in, try to flip their gender and give them a new profile, etc. Of course, you don't have to, but I would appreciate it GREATLY if you did! 

Here is the girls and boys count:

Girls: 5/6

Boys: 6/6

Of course, Gemini is an exception, having two of them. 

EDIT: . . . Well sheet looks like I really didn't count this time... and now there are now boys than girls... just great... TvT'

NOW... here are the genres!


Aries: Thriller Protector [ Taken by its_william ]

♥ 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐝 ♥

Preferably male, red hair.

A person who loves thrills and is constantly walking the fine line between insanity and genius. They can't stand boredom and regularly gets sent to the principals' office. There's no daredevil trick that they can't do and plays a mean Truth or Dare. Constantly almost bets their life on crazy bets.

Taurus: Paranormal Protector [Taken by moi!]

Information in another chapter, where my OCs will be introduced!

Gemini Twin #1 (Gem): Comedy Protector [ Taken by GriffinQ ]

♥ 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐝 ♥

MALE, preferably blonde, amber/gold eyes.

A bright, cheerful little ray of sunshine that seemingly has a limitless amount of positivity and energy. He's always there with a joke or a funny one-liner to cheer up your day and is not afraid to go full Mama Bear mode on whoever dissing his friends.

Protectors of the Book Genres (A Zodiac Applyfic)Where stories live. Discover now