~★~ 𝐌𝐘 𝐎𝐂𝐬 (𝟏)~★~

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𝕋𝕒𝕦𝕣𝕦𝕤 𝕏𝕦𝕟 𝔸𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕝

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𝕋𝕒𝕦𝕣𝕦𝕤 𝕏𝕦𝕟 𝔸𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕝


Full Name: Taurus Xun Astrophel

Nickname(s): Taur, Para, Guide

Age: 20 (almost 21, but nobody's keeping track honestly)

Gender: male

Sexuality: pansexual

Appearance: Taurus has a slender body that one could even say was skinny. He appears a bit sickly and weak, but anyone who knows him knows that that is not true in the slightest. He has clouded over eyes that change color; most often a silvery white-blue or a bright golden color. His hair is almost always messy and slightly spiky, covering his eyes mostly. It is black at the roots, fades towards brown-black, then a dark red-ginger, then a slight gold color, then finally tipped in pale silver. He doesn't care much about his appearance and dresses rather sloppily.


1. Future Sight. He can see into the future and uses this to help not get into trouble or warn people. Of how far and what he sees, nobody knows, but he got his nickname 'Guide' because he's always 'guiding' them with his visions. His visions are always precise and will happen unless they actively try to stop it.

**Weaknesses/Drawbacks: Like I mentioned earlier, he can't control what he sees and this sight of his isn't omniscient. At most he could see the details of what would happen in the next week, but anything beyond that is fuzzy and not clear at all, if any visions arrive at all. The closer Taurus is to somebody, the clearer he'll be able to predict their futures. Which pretty much means he can't predict the future of every single disaster that's going to happen to every Jane and John Doe walking down the street, but for the zodiacs who after who-knows-how-long of bonding he's gotten admittably pretty close to, he could totally see their futures without too much trouble! Sometimes he also needs 'triggers' to happen in order to see the future, but not always. Most of the time they just happen randomly, or usually just when he's a/the 'crossroads'.

2. Psychometry. Taurus is a very powerful psychometrist and is the most gifted and talented in it. He can easily access everything that happened to and all information that has been absorbed about not only objects, but also human beings as well. Through that method he can essentially discover their life story and even 'learn' how to use their Talent. He can extract information from technology as well. He can also cleanly slice things as big as a building (through great strain, of course) in half with a single gesture of his hands. 

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