Chapter 2

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When Dean woke the next morning he felt damp. His whole body just felt like he'd been set out to air dry in the cold and it smelt like wet pavement and garbage all around him. That's when Dean realized he was laying on the ground and not against the building.

Cas was laying on top of him with his arms around his back and face nuzzled into Dean's neck. He felt the other man's stubble rub across his skin as he moved his head. Cas was so warm against him, and Dean could feel the soft beat of his heart. He sighed deeply. Bad idea. Cas began to shift around on Dean's lower half and accidentally brushed their dicks together. Dean's breath hitched as he immediately sat up, watching Cas fall sleepily off of him. Cas groaned and rubbed his face at the sudden movement.

"Um, sorry. I just woke up really quickly and forgot where I was," Dean lied, his face flushing a very dark red.

Cas squinted at him through dark lashes and slowly waking eyes. If Dean weren't straight he would've found this very sexy, but he was so it didn't matter. "Dean?" he questioned in that also very sexy morning voice of his. Straight, Dean scolded himself. "I thought maybe I were dreaming, but you are here." Dean's face returned to its normal color as Cas' stomach growled loudly again. "And it seems so is my hunger," he mumbled sadly.

Dean reached out a hand to pull Cas to his feet as he said, "Lucky for you we slept behind a diner. Brunch is on me."

Cas smiled as the other man pulled his backpack on and tucked away the umbrella. "Thank you Dean."

"Do you boys know what I can get for you?" asked a very bored waitress. Her name tag said April.

"Two coffees for now. He's gonna need a minute to look over the menu." Cas' head was inches from the paper in front of him and he seemed to be reading all the options very furiously. "Do you guys have a phone in here? I need to call my brother."

April sighed and pulled one out of her apron. "Just use mine. Don't bother saving your number in there either." Dean raised and eyebrow. "I saw you two cuddlin' out there," she said pointing at Cas. Dean's face dropped. He was about to say it wasn't anything like that, but the waitress was already gone.

"Dean," Cas said curiously. He hadn't looked up from the menu and definitely hadn't noticed the returning flush in Dean's face. "What is a 'pancake'?"

Dean chuckled. "Very good. But make sure you get some bacon and eggs with it. Lots of syrup." Cas hummed while Dean called Sam. No answer. He called again. No answer.

Cas finally looked up at Dean's distressed noises and cocked his head. "What's the matter with you Dean?"

He rolled his eyes. "Sam won't pick up. I'm gonna leave him a message and we can just steal a ride back to the bunker."

Cas' eyes widened and he reached out to grab Dean's wrist. "No!" he shouted louder than he meant to. "No. No cars. Please."

Dean furrowed his brows. "What do you mean no cars? I'm not walking back to the bunker. That'll take about 3 days. You never minded cars before."

Cas shrugged, still holding Dean's wrist. "I-I can't sit in them while we're driving. It makes my stomach do these weird things and then rotten stuff happens to my mouth and it burns. I don't understand it."

"You mean to tell me you get car sick now? Great. Can't take you anywhere. I'm not walking and that's final." Cas stared at Dean with hurt and fear. He thought the hunter would understand these human things happening to him. He thought Dean would care. He let go of the man's wrist as the waitress returned.

"You guys ready?"

"Uh, yeah. Here's your phone. I'll take your cheeseburger special. Cas what do you want?" Cas was staring out the window and pointedly ignoring Dean's question. He had a frown on his face. "Um, he'll have your pancakes with eggs, scrambled, and the bacon, but not too crispy."

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