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Hey luvs!!

Sorry for the late update... I was on vacation so as to why it took me weeks to finally update and had a major writers block which had me banging my head on the wall to extract any idea I could come up with.

Anyways, enjoy ✨

**not edited**
♛ 𝐒𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐚 ♛

Walking down the alleyway- forcefully- with nothing in sight except for the devil that's been in complete silence ever since our conversation had came to an end, truly made me bored out of my mind. Although I can't complain about the view, quite entertaining.

"Are we there yet" I whine rather childishly feeling the ache of my legs increase from exhaustion.

He came to a sudden halt making me crash into his rock hard back before holding my upper arm tightly muttering "hold on".

Just as I was about to question his sudden change of plans, I felt my whole body being sucked through a portal making my whole body weak.

The pressure being added to my head made my hold on him become loose with every second passing.

A strong feeling of nausea hit me before I completely let go of him only to feel his two strong arms wrap around me immediately as I blacked out.

I stirred uncomfortably trying to fix whatever weird position I'm in, groaning in the process once a shiver ran through my entire body.

I fluttered my eyes open only to screw them shut once the blinding lights reached my lenses.

A mild headache took its place in my skull getting more intense when I propped on my elbow clutching my head with my other hand.

Opening my eyes slowly so as to adjust to the lights brightening the room, a blurry figure caught my eye pacing around the room.

As I regained my focus, I took my time observing my surroundings including the comfiest sofa my body was laying on.

"I see you're awake" a deep voice grumbled from behind me.

"You got that right" I muttered throwing my legs off the sofa hissing as the headache became worse.

Clutching my head with a scrunched up face, I felt a weight shift beside me along with a new feeling of warmth spreading around my body.

"Look at me" me muttered lowly making me shift uncomfortably from his unexpected demand.

I slowly lifted my gaze to meet with his beautiful green orbs that can take any breath away, including mine.

He placed both hands on each side of my head which caused immediate tingles to cause under his soft touch.

The tiny specks of blue in his eyes became clearer with the close proximity of our faces which sent me in a dream-full daze.

Just as I leant in unconsciously wondering how his soft lips would feel like, he cleared his throat backing away.

As if cold water has been poured all over me I realized what a stupid move I made, and so I hung my head low in complete embarrassment making a curtain with my blonde hair to cover the crimson red shade currently on my cheeks.

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