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Cory's house

Erin PoV

So I led noah to Cory's house pointing and telling him to turn occasionally.

So Noah what do you plan for college since your sooo smart ?

Um Stanford maybe Harvard possibly Yale.

Damn. You are smart.

Obviously since you copy off of me a d your not failing.

True true. I should stop though cuz I don't know how to copy you during midterms.

Yep yep yep.


Haha nope!

Oh there.

I say pointing at Cory's house.
Come on in I'll tell Cory and Hunter to help you get my bike off.

Am I aloud to just walk in ?

Nope their gonna shoot you for going on their property.

Shut up Erin.

Don't ask stupid questions then.

I don't think Hunter likes me.

What do you mean ? Were you planning on dating him I think he plays for the other team but marriage is aloud here so congrats.


I open the door.
I'm home !


They all yell simultaneously even Jacky and Hayden are here.
Hey strangers.

I say looking at them.
What's he doing here ?

Hunter asks harshly damn. Noah whispers in my ear.
Told you so.

I scoff and walk towards the kitchen Cory's mom makes the best snacks, ooh PB&J.
My bike broke down so he gave me a ride here.

I say with my mouth full of sandwich.
You left you bike at school ?!

They all ask.
No you stupids why does everyone ask that ? It's in the back of his truck, idiot 1 and 2 go help Noah get it down.

No that sounds like a lot of work.

That's what I said !

Cory and Noah fist bump and Hunter hits Cory's arm.
OW !

They glare at each other.
Awe Cory you think I was asking you to do it.

Wow your such a bitch. Right Noah ?


Hey !

What you force me to do everything!

Like what ?

Clean an art room , haul a heavy bike onto my truck , drive you places , let you copy my homework everyday, etc.

He said counting fingers on his hand. Everybody nods their head In agreement.
Yeah Erin your rude.

Nobody asked you Jacky. Wait does everyone think I'm mean ?

No of course not.

Thank you Nelly.

Everybody knows your mean.

WoooW. OK I walked into that one, hey guys go get my bike.

They all groaned while walking out.
Hey Erin ?

Yeah Nell ?

I say looking down at my phone. My mom texted me.
Working late are you at the house ?
Can you not call Cory my boyfriend ?

I make confused face but I'm still not looking up.
No I'm at Cory's house with the others doing homework I'll have dinner with them and then go home.
So what your saying is: don't call your boyfriend your boyfriend?

I ask finally looking up.
He's not my boyfriend.

What ?

Me and Jacky ask simultaneously but her yelling.
Yeah he keeps asking me if we're dating but I always dodge the question.

Why ? Dont you want to date him ?

Oh of course but you know.

I knew she was referring to her brother, so I nod and then the guys barge in dripping wet.
What the hell ?

I yell and we're all backing up ,away from them.
Come here babe.

Hayden get the fuck away from me!

But babe I'm cold.

Hayden NO !

He hugs her picks her up and swings her around. Now she's all wet haha sucks for her.
Holy crap, that's cold !

Hunter does the same to me but from behind, Nell is pushing Cory away not wanting to get cold with freezing fucking water.
Why the hell are you guys wet ?

Well we were getting Erin's bike down like you said.

Noah explains then points at me still in the air.
When Hayden heard a weird noise , he goes to the side of the house. His hose was leaking so he looks at it and it sprays him with water all in his face and we were all laughing at him and then he sprays the hose at Cory and he let's go of your bike and-

I jump out of Hunter's arms and choke Noah and shaking him.

IM LITERALLY HAVE A HEART ATTACK , then I realize my hands are choking him so I let go of him and he takes big breaths.
It's fine me and Hunter had it the whole time jeezus.

Oh thank god !!!

Anyways yeah so once me and Hunter set it in the ground safely we ducked behind it do Cory and Hayden wouldn't spray us with the hose , so like half of your bike had a shower.

Oh thanks.

I say rolling my eyes and then theirs a knock at the door, we all turn to it.
Um Cory did you finish cleaning the bathroom- oh hello Hunter and Nelly and of course Erin oh and who might you be ?

Um mom this is Noah a friend of ours.

Hello Noah would you like to stay for dinner ?

Oh no I couldn't intrude.

Oh it wouldn't be an intrusion at all we're having spaghetti.


I LOVE spaghetti and her making it is just 100% better. I'm sooo staying for dinner.
Um maybe another time thank you I should be getting home.

He says looking down at his watch.
Oh  what a shame, next time.

Well bye Mrs.Hills bye everyone.

Bye Noah.
See ya.

Then he walks out and you can hear his truck starting and driving off.

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