M i s j u d g e d || Chapter Two

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M i s j u d g e d || Chapter Two


    "Mr. Hames, please. You might not care about this class, but there are others who actually want to learn, so please keep your comments to yourself."

I smirked back at the greying old man in front of me, oh did I love messing with this guy. Honestly, he asked for it.

Giving me a 4 hour detention last week, even though he knew about the senior house party happening on the same day, that bitch.

    "Hey, Arnold! You ain't gon' get laid by bitches by learning how to make an explosion in class, you gotta know how to make an explosion in bed, if you know what I mean!" The entire class burst into laughter as Arnold just sat there, slowly sinking into his seat, whilst it seemed Mr Professor dick-face didn't find it hilarious, not even in the slightest bit.

    "Mr Hames! Go to to principal's office this instant! If you don't care about education, then I suggest that you might as well just leave."

    "Gladly." I smirked, getting up from my seat and lazily hanging my unzipped bag from one shoulder, not caring about the contents falling to the floor.

They're probably not that important anyway. I casted one last look at my Chemistry teacher with a smirk still plastered on my face, and left the classroom.

He didn't try to stop me, because frankly, he didn't really give two shits about me. In fact, if a chemistry textbook and I were falling off a cliff, he'd probably save the textbook.

As I started making my way out of the school and towards the parking lot, I heard a distant perky voice calling for someone.

    "Hey! You, blondie! Blondie! For a duck's sake, turn around! Yoo-hoo Blondie!"

Blondie? Who is this blondie? This, I have got to see, but little did I know, that I was that Blondie. I turned to see some brunette haired girl running towards me with a bunch of paper flying around as she waved her hands in the air. When she reached me, I just stared at her as she bent down, her hands on her knees, wheezing as she tried to catch her breath.

Is she serious? This hallway is what? About 150m long?

    "Freakin' hell! Never. Make. Me. Run. Again." She wheezed out. Still trying to catch her breath.

    "Now that your little marathon is over, who the fuck are you?" I asked sternly, as I stared at her intently. She didn't look familiar to me, at all. Surely I would've remembered seeing a girl wearing clothes like that.

    "Good first impression, Blondie." She replied sarcastically as she stood up straight, finally recovered from her, state.

    "Fuck off." I turned my back on her and continued walking but she just stepped in front me, blocking my way,

    "What the F-"

    "Don't, finish that sentence. I only came here to give you these." She interrupted, shoving a few pieces of crumpled paper at me.

    "What the fuck is this?" I asked as I unfolded the piece of paper to see questions on them.

    "Wow. You swear quite a lot, don't you? Oh and this is the chemistry homework you forgot to take, on your way out." She replied, her hands on the straps of her bag as she started moving back and forth on her heels.

    "The fuck does it matter to you? And I didn't forget to take this, I don't do homework. Now go back to class, Mr. Shitface probably won't like the fact that the Freshmeat has walked out of class on her first day of school."

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