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Dedicated to her, who is my confort-zone, insomniacwonderer

Under the moon I am trying to write our story,

Unable to confide in someone else; our glory,

The stillness of the dark and the emptiness of the night

I am giving you this present I prepared with all of my might

You and me

Deserve to remain like a shooting star,

Wished upon by innocence and naivety of childhood; devoid of any scar,

The moonlight enveloping me with your presence,

Feels like the blanket, with our tear-tales still having their essence,

You and me

We broke ourselves into peels and hiccups of laughter,

Read stories of our favorite author, hiding behind the sofa or under

All the broken pieces of mine; the wind scattered everywhere

You travelled for them, searched them, found them and brought them from far and near

You and me

Gifted me a version of myself wrapped in prettiness, what had once been a broken, ugly mess

Who knew my past could ever become my bundle of happiness.

With barren sand dunes and mirages, wasn't I always a dystopia? 

But you were and still are my evergreen eutopia.

You and me

We created a version of our happy ever after together,

Like the Princess of Goose-girl, my tears turned into pearls forever.

With you by my side, they became masterpieces to adorn.

All of them snatched, if you leave, won't I be forlorn?

You and me

We cried,

We laughed,

We messed up,

We made up,

You and me

In the end, even the moon can't match the shine,

The glowing halo you put on me, crowned to be mine.

You, my eutopia.

And me, your dystopia.

Editor: Veiled_Intellect & Kihi-98

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