Science class

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As I walked into class, the teacher shot me a look. Typical immigrant. I ignored it. As I sat down, everyone moved. It was like I was a nuclear bomb. No wanted to be anywhere near me. Finally, that bitch teacher spoke. 'Today I want you to imagine you are part a tourism company, not just any tourism company, a space tourism company'
Suddenly, I emerged from my half sleep- half awake state and was fully awake.
' I want you to pretend you are selling someone a chance to go to Mars for 7 days. You must plan activities to do plus include the entire cost.'
Finally, a bit of physics to get my mind off this entire me coming out and the whole school hating me. This is literally to good to true
'However you will need to work in pairs'
Spoke too soon. The whole class looked in horror at me. I knew they didn't want to work with and too be honest I didn't want to work with them.
I looked up.
'You are with Jessica Davies. Try not to sleep with her!' The teacher let out a small chuckle. Like it was a joke to him.
Great. Another person to non stop make fun of me. As I walked towards Jessica , she just
glared and said 'I don't like your kind, so if you dare speak to me, I'll get my boyfriend to beat the living daylight out of you'
Great, guess I'm doing this by myself. I just wish they was someone who didn't hate me. My parents lied to my cousins that I was dead. That's how ashamed of me they are. I'm not a human. I'm a joke. I don't deserve to live
Again really short
I'm holding back cuz I wanna see if this is gonna be popular.
Lets get 30 reads for chapter3. And let's do it quick cuz I've already written it and OH MY GOD I LOVE IT. I'm fan girling ma own book already.
Share the peace
Chrissy :)

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