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"Please stop its hurts" i cried as men injected multiple things in me

I was a test subject for there quirks to make me strong weapon to beat hero's.

I was 5 at the time when i lived with my mom and dad, I was happy child always smiling and i had alot of friends but that all ended when my mother died in a fight with some villains. She was a pro hero and so was my dad, but after she left my dad lost himself.

You see was born with both my dads and moms quirk which was flight, speed and my dad had strength and heat vision but to him that wasnt good enough he wanted more. One day on my 9th birthday he told me he had a suprise for me, and me being a dumb kid was realy happy

"Papa whats the suprise" i asked eargerly happy and he looked and me with a devilish smik

"You will see" he said and walked off

A few hours passed and i saw him pack my stuff but i didnt study it cause i thought we were going on a trip or something.

Oh but it was worst than that

He ended up taking me to a villian instead but i didnt know that at the time, going in there was a few people all i didnt know offcorse but i didnt care i wanted to see the suprise

We then went to a wierd looking dude with a hand over his face who smiled at me alot and then my dad intoduced me to him

"Y/N this is Shigaraki your gonna be staying with him for a while" he said and i frowned

"But papa I-" he cut me off slapping me but he knew i couldnt feel it

"You heard what i said, YOU WILL BE STAYING HERE AND I DONT WANT TO HERE ANOTHER WORD FROM YOU" he yelled "now when shigaraki is finished with you you will be returned" he said walking away and i bowed my head in shame, i didnt want to here

"Hey its ok we will fix you up nice and you will be on your way ok kid" hand man said scratching at his neck alittle i nodded taking his hand

After that day i was under constant pain i never thought i would feel, it was neddles after neddles and with different blood and stuff i didnt know about

11 months later of constant crying and pain the had enough of me cause the tought there stuff didnt work cause i showed no signs of it but i did work. I started getting  fire, ice, shape shifting and enhanced hearing

Few days after that i heard them saying i was useless too them and they would get rid of me but i didnt want that. I heard some if them coming so i hid in the shadows till i heard the door open and close

"Oh y/n come out plzz its time to go" i heard shigaraki say but i didnt believe him so i stayed hidden "didnt you here me you little brat i said come out" he spat making me wince but i gave in so i flew out and comfronted him and he looked at me

"Since our expiriments didnt work on you useless body we will be... letting you go today" he said but i already knew he was lieing but i had to act with it

"R-Realy?" I asked and he nodded "yes" scratching at his neck "someone will come for you soon" he finished the walked out of the room and i started to panic, i had to find a way out i had too

I looked around quickly and saw a blocked up window that was to tall to reach but with my flight i can

I flew up and scaned it seeing that i could just use my strencth to pull it apart. Quickly i pulled them out and say the dusty window and i punched it making it shater and i looked on my hand to see no bruse but i heard shuffling and someone saying to check on me

I pushed out all the other glasses making sure non would harm me ready to fly out when the door busted open and i saw handy and warp dude and he stared at me

Warpy was about to do something but handy stoped him "let her go" he said and i flew out in full speed not caring were i was heading i just wanted out

One year had pased and and was hidding out at a old shed i hardly had any food and i was dirty but not untill i saw this boi looking in my direction

He had green curly hair and green eyes and he was looking at me so i moved back into the shadows but he didnt move away he was coming to me

"H-Hey whats your name" he asked happy but his whole face changed when he saw how i looked

"Hey are you ok" he asked coming close but i backed up to weak to use my quirk

"No dont hurt me" i said closing my eyes

"I dont wanna hurt you, um you can come with me and i will let my mom help you" he said and i opened my eyes to see him smiling with his hand out to me which made me happy

I took his hand and he gently pulled me up and helped me walk to his house. When we reached his house i looked up at him "are you sure im ok to come in" i asked him and he nodded "yeah my mom would love to help you" he said opening the door and letting me in

"Izuku is that you" im guessing his mom called out "yes mom and can you come please i have a guess" he asked and i herd tiny footsteps coming and i got realy nervous and hid behind isuku and she came out

"What is it izuku and whos your friend" she asked and he pulled me forward "um well i found her is a shed hidding and i didnt want to leave her there cause she didnt look well so i brought her here" he said and she gasped when she say my condition "omg dear are you ok" she said runing up to me and helping me to the cough to sit and i shock my head and pointed to my belly making her get the message and she turned to isuku

"Isuku stay with her while i get her some thing to eat ok" she said going to the kitchen and isuku came up to me

"So uh um whats your name" he asked and i looked at him for a few seconds then answered "Y-Y/n" i said and he smiled
"Wow kool name" he smiled toothly which made me giggle

Hes soo cutee

"So why were you in that shed" he asked and my smile went away and i guessed he noticed cause he he frowned too

"Its ok you dont have to answer he said and he looked up to see his mom coming with a plate off food and i smiled

"Here you go sweety eat up now" she said giving me my food and i smiled at her and thank her then started eating as she sad across from me

Moments after i finished the food and i was filled, its was delishous. I looked up at her then got up looking to put away the plate but she stoped me before i could leave

"No its ok you dont have to" she said then looked at isuku "isuku can you put this in the sink for me i want to carry y/n to the bath so i will was it later" she said and he nodded taking the plate from me and she told me to follow her upstairs which i did and she led me to the bath and she handed me a towel and a pair of closes

"You can take a bath and change into those and when your finished you can come down ok" she said and i nodded and she walked out but before she left i stoped her "thank you mrs..." "inko but you can call me what ever you want" she smiled and i smiled back as she left

'I was finaly free and happy' i smiled to my self as i went and took my bath

Thank you izuku and inko


Yayyyy i realy hope you like this story cause i do and plz tell me what you think

Chapter one coming soon

And yes y/n quirk is bases off superman so yhh

Sorry for spelling errows i will fix them soon

Have a good day

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