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A day has passed since the usj incident and let me tell you A lot has happen. I found out I don't have quirks and it's just some weird power I have and I finally told izuku about my 'quirks'.

I just got out of bed and for school today and I got ready a went down stairs to see mom making breakfast

"Morning mom what you making" I asked kissing the top of her head and she smiled "just some bacon and eggs" I smiled grabbing some plates placing them on the counter

"Imma go check up on izuku" I say walking up to his room and knocked

"Izuku breakfast is almost ready and if you don't hurry I will eat yours" I spoke up making him burst threw the door running down stares

"Why you litt-" I chased after him almost falling down the steps

"Calm down you too" mom scolded making me and izuku laugh our asses off


Standing in front of the door of the class wondering what would happen when I walk in there, only katsuki and izu knows bout my so called 'quirks and I know when I go in there they gonna ask questions. After a few minutes I sighed and opened the door walking in and the whole class got quiet as all eyes was on me

"Y/n you ok!" Mina exclaimed running up to me before embraseing me in a hug which I hugged back "yep I'm f-fine, and mina i-i can't breathe" I chocked out and she released me "sorry"

I looked at the class and sighed

"I guess you guys want a explanation" they all nodded. I placed my bag on my table and went back to the front of the class "promise not to freak out" I asked looking at them and the nodded

"Well um"

I can't tell them that they rant quirks cause I know they would freak out so I will say it's quirks for now

"I have multiple quirks my mom and dad were both pros and I inherited both of there quirks" I have to lie ah bit here "my quirks are enhanced hearing, strength, speed, heat vision, flight, fire and ice" I say as they eyes widden "that's so cool y/n" mina beamed making me smile

"You must think you so special with those huh?!" Uraraka mumbled but I still heard and my smile faded as I walked up to her ready to beat her

"Fuck you just say to me me?" I uttered waiting for her response and she smirked

"I said... yo-" I cut her off ready to jump on her my some one snaked there arms around my waist stopping me from attaching her

"LET. ME. GOOO!" I yelled squirming around

"Chill the fuck out you idiot!" I heard katsuki say and I calm down

"Fine" I sigh as he put me down and I walk away then ran back to jump her again but was caught again

"Gahhhh you bitchhhhh...nhg"

"I said CHILL THE FUCK OUT" katsuki yelled making me stop and he carried me to my seat making me mumble cuss words at him

"Anyway I wonder who will be teaching us today" mina spoke talking to sue "no idea Mr aizawa is in the hospital recovering from his injuries" sui pointed out and I no in reponce but then the door opened surprising everyone

"Morning class" Mr aizawa greeted scaring everyone

"Mr aizawa what are you doing here!" Everyone shouted

"Wow what a pro"

"Ok settle down we have a new student" aizawa spoke up earning gasps and whispers from everyone

"I wonder who the new person is"

"I wonder if she is hot"

"Ok you can come in now" aizawa said and the door opened to reveal a short black hair girl with blue eyes brown skin and cute puppy ears that layed down on her head 

(Italic is English and normal is Japanese)
"She is from the us and dosnt understand our language fully yet so she won't communicate as much with y'all ok, now you can introduce your self ok" aizawa finished while I knew what he said

"Uhm my name is zia..um..uh" she looked down shaking making coo in awe

"Hey kid it's ok they won't do anything" aizawa assured her "you can do it zia" I assured her as well and she smiled

"Wait you understand her" Kaminari asked and I nod

"My name is zia I'm 16 my quirk is hearing because of my ears summoning and strength" she told smiling widely "oh and I can turn into my wolf form as well" she finished

"Wow that's so cool" izu beamed making her smile at him

"Wow her boo-" mineta started but I cut him off sending a heat beem at him

"Ok zia you can sit in the seat besides todoroki, todoroki raise your hand" he said and todoroki did as told and she sat next to him blushing

"Ok the sports festival is starting soon"

"The sports festival!" Everyone chanted getting up from the seats "alright let's go kick some ass" kirishima yelled but got cut off by Kaminari

"Wait a minute"

"Is it really a good I idea to do that after the usj attack" jiro added making some students nod

After that talk cause I'm lazy

After that talk we had class with cementos and after that we had our breaks so I went up to zia

"Hey zia I you settling in ok?" I asked her softly making her look up from her book to see me

"Uh yes I am and your good at english?!" She asked and I nodded and she smiled

"Yes I am and I can help you with you Japanese as well oh and I'm y/n" I told her and she thanked me. kiri Kaminari mina and katsuki then came over to us

"Hey there I'm mina and this is kirishima, Kaminari and the one with the mean face is bakugou, try not to mess with him" mina introduced

"Fuck you say raccoon face!" Katsuki yelled making her laugh but zia didn't she just had a pissed glare at him which he flicked off and walked away

"So zia are you ready for the sports festival" I asked and she nodded quickly with her ears swaying back and forth

"But I don't know if I'm good enough to win, im sure you all have better quirks than me" she mumbled but it was audible for us to hear

"Hey don't say that, I'm sure you gonna do great" I assured her followed by mina and the rest and she smiled and nodded

"Ok Imma go talk to katsuki, oh and give me your phone so I can give you my number" I said and we exchanged numbers and I went over to katsuki sitting on the table in front of him

"Oi asshole ready for me to beat you ass at the sports festival" I asked him making him growl

"I'll kill you" he smirked at me which sent shivers down my spine as I glared at him

"You wanna train with me" he asked making my eyes widden "Uh yeah sure" I smiled



Just a filler






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