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This week was the last day of middle school and let me tell you im happy as fuck

"Y/n, isuku get ready for school" mom said and i got up and head to the bathroom to do my daily stuff, then i put on my black uniform and fixed my tie and rushed down stairs for breakfast to see izuku already eating

"Good morning" i said taking my plate from mom as she smilled at me and i did the same

"Good moring y/n wow you look happy" she laughed and i nod

Cause its the day of this hell hole duh

I sat next to izu who was quietly eating and im quessing muttering to himself

I tapped his head slittly so he wont knockout from my strength and he looked up at me

"O-Oh hey y/n didnt see you there" he answered and i frown and got into his face

"Izu are you ok?" I asked and i see him blush

"U-Uh um yes im fine" he said and i smiled and finished eating

After we both finish we said goodbye to mom and we started to walk to school


We both got to class and it was empty except for bakugou and his friends were there to pick on us

"Oi if it isnt deku and his quirkless sister" bakugou smirked and walked up to us along with his extras

"What do you want bakugou" i asked pushing izu behind me and he smirked

"Oh i dont want you, i want the nerd behind you" he said going to grab him and i hit his hand away "you will have to go threw me first"

He smiled telling his extras to get me

"Izu listen to me ok, i want you to close you eyes and cover your ears tightly ok" i commanded "but y/-" "just do it ok!" I yelled and he nodded doing as i said and i put him in a corner

This is gonna be fun

"Come on do some, lemme show yall what this quirless bitch can do" i grinned at them

Now students started coming in and when the saw what was going on they started coming in

Bakugo's extras came first, the one with short black hair tried to land a punch but i quickly hit his hand away giving him a kick in his nuts making sure not to use my strength quirk or that may not end well

"Ohhhhhh that must hurt" i heard students say and i chucked

The next one game in full speed but still to slow i grabbed his arm spinning him around and then let go making topple over a table then looked at bakugou with gritted teeth and izu still in the corner unharmed

"Tch..So u managed to take them down so what there just weekling" he made explosions in his hands and smirked "let me see you take me down quirkless bit-"

"Thats enough!" I heard the teacher say grabing both of us and tragging us out of class both me and bakugou glearing daggers at each other


After y/n told me close my eyes and cover my ears i didnt know what was going on but when someome tapped my shoulder and i turned around she and kacchan was gone but the two boys who was there had a injured arm and hurt the lower half

I wonder what happen


Yayy new chapter but its kinda short but the next on will be longer soo yh

Lemme know what you think guys

And spelling errows lemme know thanks


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