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Ok so sorry for not updating for so long it's just this took long to write and I have school so yep but any ways I hope you like

Also plz remember this story is based of of super man 'man of steel so the plot is the same kinda lol so yeah

"Y/n I want you to listen to me ok" rubbing my eyes i looked up at her "what is it mama?" She sighed

"Sweety your not like everyone else you more powerful, more than all might. The quirks you have are not quirks and I don't know what they are ok, your not from earth y/n your from kryton ok" he started making the little girl look at her weirdly

"Huh what's that?" The child asked with glowing eyes eager to know what her mom was talking about

"Y/n listen the powers your going to develop are a lot and they can me stoped by this" her mother stated showing he a purple rock in her hand

"Wow! It's so pretty"

"It is but if in the wrong hands it can kill you ok that's why you never talk about it ok, you wouldn't  remember this but for now there your quirks ok sweety" the pro hero told her as the little girl nod in response as she fell back asleep

The mother then placed a kiss on the girls head and she went off to work not knowing she won't be back


Waking up I looked up being blinded by a light then blinked a few times to then looked around to see that I was in a white room

Hospital maybe, but what the hell was that dream

"Ah finally up I see" i elderly voice asked then I turned to see recovery girl smiling at me

"Ah yes and I feel great too" I smiled and she nodded

"Don't worry I know, I didn't even need to heal you either you healed youself" she told me and my eyes widden

"What!? B-but how" I panniced cause I know I don't have a healing quirk so how did I heal

"You see you don't have quirks" she said and my eyes widden

That explains the dream but how

"But how tho" I got up a bit "and even if it's not quirks what are they" I asked and the lady looked down "dear let's just say your one of a kind" she smiled and I sighed sitting back

"Looks like you friend is waking up, so I will leave you be" she spoke up again and I turned to see katsuki

Wait katsuki he stayed with me?


"Y/n hey your ok" the boy jumbed up coming over to me hugging me tightly but then he punched my shoulder "hey what was that for" I growled at him an making smile smirk "that's for almost dieing you idiot"

"But I didnt" I say getting into his face and I saw a faint blush on his cheeks then he turned away "whatever"

I sighed

"I just don't know how tho" I say laying back down staring at the sealing then closed my eyes

"Kyrptonite" "huh" I asked opening an eye "that handy bastard had something in his hand when I got you and he said 'it's her kryptonite" he said and furrowed my eyebrows together thinking about it

The purple stone mom showed me

"Whatever it is it made me feel like I was dieing" I whined making him chuckle "but that was yesterday and I want to get out of here so let's go" I say getting up making the boy roll his eyes doing the same as well and we left

Kryptonite? What is that thing

Not quirks? Then what is it then am I cursed or something

So now I'm quirkless?! But still have powers

What the hell am I

This makes no scence but in a while it will

I will be updating every Saturday because of school so yh

Hope you like

Any arrows lemme know


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