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Yesterday I have to admit, I had fun with katsuki he was actually kinda nice to me. I smiled to myself as I got up of my bed rubing my eyes then I went to the bathroom and did my hygiene getting dressed in my uniform

After finishing up i got my bag and went to the kitchen for something to eat then my phone ding

I looked at it to see it was bakugou

Pomeranian🐶: hey extra, get your ass out side Now

                                     Y/N: oh, the great.   bakugou wants to walk with me😂


                                       Y/N: ok ok I'm coming gosh damnit

Pomeranian🐶: whatever

I smiled putting my phone away grabbing my bag off the floor and walked out the door to be greeted with a angry bakugou

"Took your dumb ass long enough" he scoffed and I chucked "Oh shut up angry pomeranian" "FUCK YOU JUST CALL ME" he growled "nothing dumbass" I mumbled walking off and he followed catching up to me as we walked quietly to school

As we were nearing the school I saw a lot of news reporters and press lined up by the gate "what the hell is going on up there" we walked closer getting stuck in the crowd but stayed near bakugou "excuse me kid, are you in allmights class, wait army you the sludge villain kid" a woman asked bakugou and he scowled "walk away" he answered grabbing my arm pulling me with him going into class

As we got into class everyone was in there except for a few students. When people saw me and bakugou walk in the had a surprised face on and I looked at them weirdly "what?" I asked forrowing my eyebrows and mina squealed "Omg are you and bakugou together, Your Holding Hands!" She exclaimed and I looked down and noticed he was still holding my hand

I quickly pulled away blushing

"WHAT NO WERE NOT YOU DAMN EXTRA!" Bakugou growled walking off but you can see a tiny shade of red on his face 'huh' I then went to my seat and sat down quietly putting in my ear buds playing
Bad guy by Billie Eilish humming to the beat

At the corner of my eye I saw uraraka going up to bakugou, at first I thought it was something she wanted then I saw her he touching up on his hand smirking at him and he didn't do anything and I felt myself get angry

No don't feel like that y/n you don't like him and he didn't like you.  Right

Mr aizawa then walked in and everyone got into there seats and I glared at uraraka the focused on aizawa "decent work on yesterdays combat training you guys, I saw the video feeds and went over each of your teams results, bakugou" he looked over at him making him jump "your talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss ok" bakugou sighed "yeah, whatever" he mumbled and I snickered softly at him

Aizawa then looked over at me and izu "midoriya, y/n" he started making izu tence up and I looked at him "midoriya I see you won the match my messing up your arm again and y/n try to control yourself while fighting other then that your fine" he finished and I nod saying yes sir

After that aizawa stated that we needed to pick a class representative and all hell broke lose

"Pick me guys I wanna be class rep"

"I totally the right pic" mina squealed

"HEY, PICK ME I'M YOU ONLY CHOICE" bakugou screamed and I laugh

Bakugou X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now