ch. 20

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I was aware enough to realize that Sebastian was handing me off to someone in white, he was very animated with his hands. He kept looking down at me, worry laced his handsome features. A bright light assaulted my eyes, I tried to knock it away, but the weight of my arms was too much to bare right now. I looked over at Sebastian, who was now sitting in a chair next to me. His head cradled in his hands, he looked broken. Once again, I tried to reach out, instead of failing this time I succeeded, I grabbed his hand just as a shooting pain overtook my entire body, and everything faded to black.

"You must wake up, there isn't much time. Please." A voice reached my ears. I tried to rub away the inky black spots that clouded my vision but unfortunately I was not succeeding.

"Charlee, can you understand me?" A cold hand touched my shoulder. It seemed to zap my brain into full consciousness, as I took in the scene around me. White, much too white, a never ending vastness. I peered over my shoulder to my cold handed companion.

"You're the guy I've been seeing in my dreams..." A thought of horror struck me. "I'm dead aren't i?"

"Not yet, but you are in grave danger and we haven't much time."

"Who are you?"

He looked at me wistfully, almost as if debated whether or not to tell me the truth.

"Terry Jones." His eyes unable to meet mine.

Shock coiled through me, how was this possible? How was any of this possible?

"You're dead."

"Correct, I no longer have a physical body, but after all you've learned- does it really shock you my dear that there is life after death?"

"Are you my father?"

"Yes." His head hung low.

"What's happening to me?" I pleaded, "You at least owe me some kind of explanation."

"We don't have much time as I said before, but I will explain as much as I can."

I just stared at him, unsure of if I could make my voice work without breaking down. I was hoping my silence would urge him to continue and luckily it did.

"You are in the final phases of completing your soulmate mark." He lifted his arm and hastily pointed at my arm. I looked down and saw lines in silver, with flashes of red peeking out from beneath my sleeves. I could only stare in awe.

"Many believe only fire and air or water and earth can be soulmates, but they are wrong. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Fire is mean to be with water, Air is meant to be with earth, you are to complete each other fully. That's why soulmates are few and far in between. And the elders would like nothing more for it to stay that way. It keeps powerful families powerful and in control, you are in grave danger."

"You don't have to worry about that, Parker is my soulmate he is who I'm bound too."

"You are wrong, my daughter. Your soul belongs to that of fire."

"Sebastian?" I gasped. He nodded his head.

"We are almost out of time, you must stay away from him. They are already suspicious of your origins, although before I perished I wiped any trace linking me to you."


"Magic, my dear. But all magic comes at a price, and all magic can be reversed. You must keep your head down and stay away from Sebastian."

My head swirled, Sebastian was mine. There was absolutely no way I would be able to stay away from him. Helens voice pounded in my head repeating the word mate.

"He's mine. Even if I could stay away from him, Helen would never allow it."

"Helen? Who's Helen?" he demanded. I shook my head, refusing to meet his eyes.

"I need to keep you safe!" He screamed but he already seemed so far away.

"Helen is my dragon."

His eyes round with fear as he reached for me, but he was too far, the whiteness of the room was being replaced by an almost blinding blackness. Our time was out, and so was my time for answers.

I could hear a faint beeping sound in the background of my consciousness, like a fly that won't leave you alone when you're trying to eat. It was annoying, I just wanted the sleep. When I tried to move by body, it no longer burned but there was a deep seeded ache there lingering underneath unbearable coldness. I tried to open my eyes but they were so heavy, too heavy. I decided to give back into the darkness, it took away my pain.

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