Ch. 22

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I wasn't sure how long I stayed on the bathroom floor, thoughts of my normal life before flickered through my mind. How easy it was only being concerned about boys and what to wear to school, now I was concerned about turning into a big huffy and puffy dragon, and the fact that everyone kept telling me I was in grave danger. I yearned for someone to talk too, someone who understood, but I had no one. I was alone. Eventually the nurse flew into the bathroom like a bat out of hell, cursing me up and down for almost giving her a heart attack thinking she lost me. She begged me to get back into the bed and stay, but I just wanted to be alone, and away from prying eyes. Finally she caved in, only after I promised her I would be back tomorrow morning for a checkup and telling her over 100 times that if anything felt even remotely off, I would come back. Leaving the infirmary left me feeling restless, I was unsure if I should go back to my dorm- Sebastian said I had been out for two weeks- I wonder if Laura had asked to switch roommates, not that I would blame her, she must see me as a freak who knows nothing about magic nor how to control it. Unsure of where I should go and even though I was in desperate need of a shower, I decided to try and find a library.

It had to be night time, the halls were dark with no trace of light other than the lights that lined the stone, I'd imagine at one point in time they were torches with fire instead of twinkling lights. You could see how the stone was being eaten away at proving that even things built to last crumble. I wandered taking in the beauty of it anyway, alas finding myself outside the door to the library. Its wooden doors out of place against the stone- I could have sworn I smelled the oak from the tree in which the doors were carved the handles were made of brass etched in them what looked like family crests. I pulled and was greeted with the most amazing library I'd ever seen, books lined the shelves all the way to the ceilings- ladders and intricate staircases went further back than I could see. Caught up in my wonder I didn't even realize someone had appeared next to me. I jumped, and turned to face who had crept up next to me.

"Hello." She said, her eyes had a milky coating making her appear as though she were blind, but her eyes followed my movements as she studied me. Her voice was airy, it almost sounded as if it didn't belong to this world.

"Um, Hi. I'm so sorry to intrude, I didn't know if there are special hours or anything..."

"No. The library is welcome to all." She gestured her hands in a gesture that I'm sure was meant to appear friendly, but with her eyes glued to me, it felt more as if I was being watched. "Who are you?" she moved in closer, and appeared to smell me? "What are you?" I moved back to try and create some space between us, the peach fuzz on the back of my neck standing straight up as I rammed into another body.

"Ursela, enough. Please go dust something." A much more pleasant sounding voice infiltrated my ears as I swiveled around to apologize instead found myself gaping. The tallest woman I think I've ever seen stood in in front of me now. Hair so white it was almost translucent, her skin the same, I felt as though I could see every vein-I'm positive had she not been wearing clothes I would have seen her organs.

"Yes, my appearance can be quite a shock- especially for you Charlee, being new to all this." She peered down at me from her height, but she didn't intimidate me.

"Who are you?" I blurted out before I could stop myself. Her shoulders moved in motion as she tried to stop herself from laughing.

"I am Mina, the head Librarian here. I've been waiting for you."

"Waiting for me? I don't understand."

"I've been a librarian for nearly a thousand years my child, head librarian here for a few hundred, and we've never found anyone before. Before you that is, I'm quiet intrigued as to what you bring to this world. We could do with some change." She winked at me.

"I would assume you are looking for some background information? Dragons perhaps?" She winked at me.

"Dragons...why would you say that?" My mouth dry, I found myself reaching for Helen, afraid Mina might be more of an enemy then friend.

I'm here if you need me, always.

I breathed a sigh of relief, I wasn't alone.

Librarians are neither good nor bad, they don't usually bother themselves with trivial details- she should be able to help. Let her.

"Call it a hunch, if you follow me, I can point you in the right direction..." I followed behind her, giving enough space to where I could make a break for it if absolutely necessary.

We stopped abruptly, I watched as Mina started throwing books on the floor and muttering to herself. " not this one. Not this one either..." "HERE WE ARE."

"Finally, read this dear, I think it should help. Should you need me, I'll be around." She touched her hand to my shoulder and a surprising warmth was attached to it. I found that I liked it, I had to stop myself from reaching out and giving her a hug.

" seems your blood is welcoming to mine. What's your last name again?"

I hesitated, unsure of what to say, Jones was a common name and as far as everyone was concerned it was my mother's name.

"It's Jones."

Her eyes roamed over me, as though she was taking me in for the first time.

"You know the funny thing about the magic infusing into our blood, is that our blood can recognize its family ties and blood lines. Hidden easily enough with a simple spell... but for those left untrained, its quiet noticeable."

Unsure of how to respond, I didn't.

"Don't be afraid child, I won't tell anyone who you really are. We are family after all." She grabbed a few other books off the shelf and put them in my hands. "It's best you take these back to your room, don't need anyone asking unnecessary questions, do we?"

"Do I uh.. do I need to check these out?" I stumbled through my words and awkwardness

She laughed, a full belly laugh that warmed me once again from head to toe.

"Goodness no, I remember all. Goodnight Child." She turned still laughing as she went. And leaving me lost in the maze of books, and clinging to the only things that would provide me some answers. 

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