Chapter 11

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Chloe's POV

It had been 2 weeks since Max came and visited me at work. I have been thinking about contacting her for a few days but I think I'm ready now. Rachel and I are sitting watching TV.
"Hey Rach?" I say turning to face her.
"Yeah?" She asks as she turns.
"I think I'm going to text Max." I say a bit worried and Rachel can see that.
"Don't be worried, I'm sure it will be fine."
"I know but I was wondering if you could come with me to meet her. I don't think I can do it alone."
"Of course I'll come." She says hugging me.
"Okay then, I'll give her a text." I say as I pull out my phone and look for the contact I saved Max's number in. I find it then start typing.
Chloe: Hey Max, it's me Chloe I was wondering if you are free today.
I send the text and wait nervously for a reply. I start moving my leg up and down. Rachel notices how nervous I am and puts her hand on my thigh to stop it moving.
"It's okay, you'll have me." She says with a sweet smile on her face. I smile back then my phone dings.
Max: Hi Chloe, yeah I'm free today. Wanna meet at the coffee shop up from the repair shop?
Chloe: Sure, is it okay if I bring a friend?
Max: Yeah sure.
Chloe: Okay, meet in 1 hour?
Max: Works for me.
Chloe: Okay, see you then.
Max: See you.
I put my phone in my pocket then face Rachel again.
"We are meeting in 1 hour at the coffee shop up from the repair shop." I tell Rachel.
"Okay great, I will go get ready." She says as she stands up and goes upstairs to get changed. I just stay in what I'm wearing.

Rachel and I walk into the coffee shop. I don't see Max yet so I get a booth and sit at it with Rachel beside me. I begin tapping my foot under the table and Rachel puts her hand on the thigh again.
"It will be okay." She assures me. Just as I was going to say something Max walks in the door and comes over to us taking a seat in front of us.
"Hey Chloe." Max says shyly.
"Hey Max, this is my friend Rachel." I say gesturing to Rachel.
"It's nice to meet you Max." Rachel says in a confidant voice.
"You too." Says Max smiling at Rachel awkwardly. "I just want to clear everything up with you Chloe, I am so sorry for what I did all those years ago. I should have stayed in touch I know that but it was hard because I knew that we wouldn't be seeing each other that much. I know that isn't an excuse but please forgive me." Max says look straight at me. I feel my fists start to clench under the table. I don't think this was the right decision. I feel my fists get tighter and tighter but then I feel Rachel's hand on my fist. It calmed me down and I unclenched them.
"Okay I gets that, but why come back now? I don't understand." I say looking back into her eyes and holding onto Rachel's hand underneath the table.
"I don't know, I guess I just missed you and needed to see you. Please, if there is anything that I can do to make us friends again consider it done." Max says.
"Just give me some space and time then I will give you a text. See you around Max." While saying that I get out of the booth still holding Rachel's hand and drag her with me.
"Nice meeting you Max." Rachel says as we are almost at the door to leave.
"Nice meeting you too Rachel." She says back.

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