Chapter 24

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Rachel's POV

The day is finally here. Chloe and I are getting married. Last night she stayed at a hotel because everyone knows it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. I'm struggling to get the zipper of my dress up when I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in." I say. Soon afternoon Blair walks in.
"Need help with that?" She says chuckling and pointing to the zip.
"Yes please." I say laughing a bit to.
"I'm so glad you and Chloe found each other again." She says zipping up the dress. I smile at her and she smiles back.
"Thank you Blair. I'm glad you and her get along so well." I say hugging her and she hugs back. She takes a step back and looks at me.
"You look absolutely beautiful, mom." She say.
"As do you." I say. "I mean just look at you. That suit is a great look for you." I say.
"Thanks mom." She says and we hug again.
"Of course sweetie." I say.
"Now, I brought someone home with me from the hotel when I visited Chloe this morning." She says mysteriously as she walks to the door. When she opens it I see Rose standing there.
"Rose!" I say going over to hug her. She hugs back.
"I came to help you finish getting ready." Rose says.
"Great." I say smiling.
"Okay well I'm going to go finish off getting ready." Blair says then exits the room.

For the last hour or so Rose has been helping me get ready. She takes a step back after putting the finishing touches of my makeup.
"You look absolutely stunning." She says. I go over and hug her.
"Thank you. For everything." I say.
"Okay well. I've got my dress so let me get dressed and then we can go to the venue." She says.
"Okay." I say smiling.

"Right, ready to go?" I ask Rose and Blair.
"Yup." Blair says.
"Yes." Rose says and we all make our way to Roses car. Rose drives us to the venue.

Chloe's POV

'Today's the day.' I think to myself. Blair has just left to go to the house while I stay here and finish getting ready. I'm just chilling out in my room when I hear a knock at the door. I go over and open it.
"Hey Oscar." I say.
"Hey Chloe. How are you feeling?" He asks and we both walk to the couch.
"I'm feeling amazing. I have kind of dreamt of this moment since high school." I say laugh and he laughs too.
"That's great, I'm happy you're happy." He says.
"Thanks Oscar." I say and pull him into a hug. He hugs back. "And thanks for being the ring bearer." I say.
"Anytime." He says and we both laugh.
"Alright. We better get to the venue." I say.
"Yeah. Wouldn't want you to be late for your own wedding." He says. We both go down to Oscar's car and he drives us to the venue.

(Big time skip, I know. I don't know what to write for the wedding so I'm just gonna go straight to when they say I do)

"Chloe Elizabeth Price, do you take Rachel Dawn Amber to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The marriage officiant asks me.
"I do." I say look straight into Rachel's eyes and smiling. She smiles back with tears in her eyes.
"And do you, Rachel Dawn Amber, take Chloe Elizabeth Price as your lawfully wedded wife?" He asks Rachel.
"I do." She says as a tear falls from her eye. I wipe it away with my thumb.
"Any objections?" He asks everyone. Silence is everywhere. "I'm that case, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride." He says and I pull Rachel into a passionate kiss. I hear everyone cheer and clap.

We are sitting at a large table and we are about to do speeches. I decide to go first, I stand up and tap a knife on the side on my glass. I clear my throat.
"Hello everyone. Thank you for coming. I want to point out a couple of people in particular tho. Right. Mom, David I know I wasn't the easiest kid to co-operate with at times but you both stuck by me. I can't thank you guys enough. Steph, you were an amazing friend to me in high school and you still are to this day. It's a shame we don't stay in touch more often so how about we meet up on day and play that old tabletop game together again. That goes for you as well Mikey." I say, everyone laughs. "Next person is Oscar, you are another one of my closest friends. I can't believe it has been like 4 years since I met you. I want to say thank you. If you hadn't have given me the job at the repair shop I probably would have never seen Rachel again. So thank you. Blair, you are one of a kind. You always know what to say and when to say it. And hey, if anything like the Maddison situation happens again I'm sure you could handle it yourself." I look at Blair and see is laughing. I smile. "And last of all, Rachel. I don't think that you will every understand how much of an impact you had on my life. When we were in high school you dug me out of a hole I was digging myself. You made me happy, the happiest I had been in years. When I saw you in the repair shop, standing there I knew that it was meant to be so to wrap up that long speech. I love you Rachel and everyone else here." Everybody starts applauding and I sit back down. I look at Rachel and she wiping tears from her eyes.
"I love you too." She says then I kisses her.

Rachel's POV

Chloe just sat down and kissed me. Her speech was so beautiful I don't think I can top it but I'll  give it a go. I stand up and start.
"Guess it's my turn. I couldn't have been luckier with all of the people in my life. I know my family isn't what people would class as normal but I love everyone that I have. I'll start off with Dad and Rose, you guys have been there for me my whole life and I wanted to say thank you. Dad, I know when I was younger we went through a rough patch but I'm glad we sorted it out. Rose, I know you're not my biological mother but you are my real mom. You have been there for me my entire life and I couldn't be more grateful for you. Both of you. Blair, the day you were born was one of the happiest of my life. You can be a pain sometimes but I love you so much and I couldn't have asked for a better daughter. Dana, you are one of a kind. I'll give you that. You are so funny and I love how excited you get over the little things. Thank you for being the greatest best friend anyone could ask for. Finally, Chloe. When I met you I wanted something new and exciting. Something different and you were that. You were so adventurous and ready for anything life threw at you. You were just the person I needed in my life at that time. After all those years you are still like that. When I saw you in the repair shop it reminded me that I need a change and you were that person again. I love you Chloe Price." I say and sit down. Everyone claps and I give Chloe a kiss.
"That was amazing." She says.
"It was true." I say. 'This has been one of the best days of my life.' I think to myself.

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