Chapter 10

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Sorry I haven't updated heartfelt.

Will do so asap.

Trying to get it perfect 

SIDE NOTE : Ananya is younger than Mishti


Abir was in a foul mood.

There was something rather satisfying about it, so he decided to indulge his completely.

He kicked a pebble all the way home.

He snarled at anyone who nudged him on the street.

He yanked open his front door with such ferocity that it slammed into the stone wall behind it. 

Or rather he would have done, if Deepu Kaka hadn't been so on his toes and had the door open before Abir's fingers could even touch the handle.

But he thought about slamming it open, which pro­vided some satisfaction in and of itself.

And then he stomped up the stairs to his room—which still felt too bloody much like Nannu's room, not that there was anything he could do about that just then—and sat down to remove his shoes.

He began unlacing them when he stopped and stared at them. These weren't his shoes.

Abir frowned and looked at them properly. No, These weren't his at all. They were perfect for him but whose were they?

With a sinking heart, he realised who they belonged to.

Abir (shouting) : Deepu Kaka! Anybody?

A servant entered the room with a terrified expression, looked at the expression on Abir's face and then ran away. Within minutes, Deepu Kaka had appeared.

Deepu : Haan Abir beta?

Abir : Kaka! Who do these belong to? (gesturing to the shoes)

Deepu Kaka : Nannu...

Abir (cutting him off, in a whisper) : Why am I wearing his shoes?

Deepu Kaka : Your luggage is not completely unpacked yet baba. So I thought....I remembered that the two of you were of a size, and I thought you'd want—

Abir closed his eyes and leaned back against the bed— Nannu's bed—marveling at the irony of it. 

His worst nightmare coming true, in the most literal of fashions.

Abir (removing the shoes) : Just take them.

He pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger and let out a long breath before speaking again.

Abir (wearily) : I really don't want to use any of Nannu's possessions Kaka! Do you understand? Are all his things still here?

When Deepu kaka replied in the affirmative, he just nodded and closed his eyes.

Truly, he had no idea why Nannu's clothing was still here; the lot of it should have been given to the servants or donated to charity years ago. But he supposed that was Mishti's decision to make, not his.

Deepu Kaka : Shall I have them thrown away.

Abir (exasperated) : Thrown away? What's wrong with you.. It's not contagious. Leave everything as it is. Just don't use any of it for me.

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