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Conversation is food for the soul - PROVERB

Now I know it's not time for coffee when you all must be sleeping but my assignment is almost done and I get to have fun tomorrow if I finish my report. So decided to do this. 

So this is not an update... 

You guys have been so amazing and supportive of this story and I love you guys <3 <3 

It's always fun meeting new people and I want to know you guys now.. At least some basic stuff xD 

Do take some time to answer the questions here


MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION : What is your name or at least a name by which I can call you?

1) Age?
Ans : I am 23

2) What are your quirks?
Ans : I introduce myself by saying that I absolutely hate physics.  Also, I cannot abide open shoelaces. It irritates me like hell. And when people say today morning or yesterday night. I cursed my comp science teacher to no end when I was in school. 

3) Since I can always talk about them, Marvel or DC? 
Ans : I'm a huge fan of both.. So I can never choose.. I wish for them to join and become one great avenging fandom <3 <3 <3

4) What sort of books do you like to read?
Ans : I love all genres though in romance, i mainly read only Regency romance and nothing else. I cannot read non fiction books though I've tried many times :P

5) Ice cream or juice?

Ans : I would choose juice any day - soft drink or fresh juice doesn't matter.

6) Something you don't like about yourself? (It's optional though I hope you answer it)
Ans : I tend to hold grudges.. Really long ones.. Forgive and forget doesn't seem to know me xD

7) Most memorable MishBir moment? Ik there are lots but just one moment that immediately stands out?
Ans : My recent favourite is when Mishti tells Abir I cannot see you fold you hands in front of everyone and then tells everyone the truth about evrything

8) Your ambition?
Ans : Mine's to get early retirement like Hrithik Roshan in Zindagi na milegi dobara, then concentrate on finishing a full fledged novel, become a best selling author (hopefully) and at 60, retire in Switzerland. Do not ask me why Swiss. Just obsessed with it

10 ) Last question : How bored were you answering this? (You can tell me xP)
Ans : While I was writing my own answers, I felt bored.. Cos I wanted to know you guys.. and I can't wait to see your replies xD


Love you.
 And hope we'll know each other by the time you read this. 

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