Chapter 6

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August 16th, your 16th birthday. The guys and Sam are planing a surprise party. It was originally going to be Sam's job to keep you out of the house, you two already made plans, not once while you were making the plans did he say anything about your birthday. You didn't care that much it didn't mean to much to you.

Its 11 in the morning your plans with Sam isn't until noon, so right now you are playing xBox with Geoff, he hasn't said anything about your birthday, so you didn't either. Only for a little though, you decided to go for a bike ride.

"Geoff, tell mom and dad I'm going out!" You called from the front door.

"Alright!" Geoff yelled back.

You than called Sam cancelling your plans, he asked why but you avoided the question. You than called u Danial and told him to met you in the throne room with the king and queen of Maple Isle in a half hour. The bike ride from were you live to the heart of Maple Isle - which is were the castle is - is only a half hour.

"Good Morning your Majesty's." You said kneeling in front of the King, Queen and Prince Danial. 

"Good Morning (Y/N). You know you don't need to kneel to us." The Queen said

"Happy Birthday (Y/N)!" Prince Danial said.

"Thank you Prince Danial."

"Its your birthday?" The King said.

"Yes it is, sir."

"Happy Birthday dear, our daughter would 16 today.."

"Actually, that's why i am here. Today's my 16th birthday, and I would like to let you know that I'm your daughter, i had a blood test done about 6 years ago. Prince James and Prince Danial was there to wittiness the results. I apologize for not telling you until now. At first i didn't want to accept that i was the lost princess, i wanted to stay with my friends, one of friends actually legally adopted me a few years ago. Although I am ready to accept full responsibility, no matter the circumstances. And I am willing to do another blood test to prove I really am the lost princess."

"Its all true! You can even ask Mr. and Mrs.Haywood, they were there as well. It was all done at the castle in Minetopa."

"I believe you dear, i knew that there was a better reason for you to be coming here so often. You wont need to leave your friends or your current family. All I ask is that we tell the kingdom, I know they would love to know that there princess has been found." The queen of maple isle said.

"That's something i can easily agree to, mom."

"(Y/N), you said that they legally adopted you?" The King said.


"Then if we are telling the kingdom of your return, we will need to speak with them first, they are your legal guardians, and then paperwork has to be done to make it so that we are legally your parents instead of just birth parents. If that's alright with you."

"Its perfectly alright with me, Dad.

"Mom you said, i could still stay with my friend until i graduate right?"

"Of course dear." your mom said.

"Although once you graduate, yo wont be able to go to collage right away, we will need you here so you can learn things you will need to know about when you become queen." Your dad said.


"Hey sis, want to come play minecraft with me?" Danial said.

"You know it!" You said than you and Danial ran up to the game room and played minecraft for hours.


Your phone was exploding with messages from the guys and Sam. Its almost 4:00, everything was planed for you to come back at 2:30 with Sam, but that changes when you cancelled the plans and left for the castle. 

"Got to go, brother and friends are flipping out."

"I'm your brother." 

"You know what i mean."

"Yea i know, go ill tell mom and dad you had to leave."

"Thanks bye Danial, love ya bro."

You than grabbed you helmet ready for half bike ride you have in front of you.


Just as you were riding down your block Geoff called you, again. You forgot to tell him you were coming home.

"Heyo." you said stopping and answering the phone.

"Where are?! We are all so worried why didn't answer any of our calls a half hour ago?"

"Chill dude, I'm almost home. I'm down the block, can i hang up so i can come home? Cant talk on the phone and ride at the same time."

"Yea, alright. HURRY HOME!" Geoff said than hung up. You did as well that pushed off for you less than two minute ride.

You put your bike in the back and than walked into the house taking off your helmet.

"Hey mom, hey dad." You said to Mr and Mrs.Ramsay.

"Hey, all your friends are down stairs, oh and happy birthday honey." Mr.Ramsay said.

"Thanks Dad."

"Happy birthday sweet heart." Mrs.Ramsay said.

"Thanks Mom." 

You up stairs and put your helmet away, fixed your hair than went into the basement. The part with out the instruments.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!" Everyone shouted when you walked down stairs.

"Holy shit, you guys did all this?" You said looking around, the room was decorated with everything you love.

"Yeps." Gavin said who was recording.

"You are all the best thank you." 

"We know." Geoff said,

"Happy birthday my love." Sam said kissing your cheek.

"Thanks baby." 

There was cake and all your favorite foods, although you didn't want any cake, your going cakeless. Everyone else devoured the cake though, it was pretty funny. They made your 16th birthday the best one.

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