Chapter 24

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You woke up the next morning to Ryan yelling at you. Ryan groaned as he rolled over to go back to sleep, its only 10:30, you got about four hours of sleep when your phone went off.

"Hello?" Yous said half asleep answering your phone.

"Hey (Y/N). Mom wants to know when you coming home?" 

"I don't know, can i go back to sleep now?"

"No, Mom wants to talk to you."


"(Y/N), sweetie, when are you coming back?" You mom said.

"I don't know. Actually, is it possible for me to stay with my boyfriend?" 

"Who's your boyfriend?"

"King James." 

"OH! Of course you can sweetie! Bring him by the castle sometime soon, it will be good to see him again."

"Alright, I will. Can i go back to sleep now? I was up all night on a live stream to raise money for hospitals."


You hung up your phone and turned over to go back to sleep. Unfortunately you were able to because Geoff came into the office and started laughing his ass off.



"Just shut up so i can sleep."'

"Want to come to my place so you can sleep on an actually bed, Ryan can come to." 


You played your ring tone in Ryan's ear and jumped awake.


"Because you needed to wake up, and you were and still are my favorite Achievement Hunter." 

"I'm not apart of Achievement Hunter anymore." 

"Yea you are, just because you don't work there doesn't mean you aren't an Achievement Hunter anymore. It also symbolizes our friendship with the guys." 

"Well then, i guess i still am in Achievement Hunter in a way." 

"Aww how cute, can we get going now."

You all had to take separate cars but soon you got to Geoffs and he showed you two the spare bedroom and which had two beds in it, why? Geoff doesn't even know. Although you only used one bed, you wanted to lay in Ryan's arms again, its been a long time since you have been able to.


A few months passed and you and Ryan bought a house not far from stage five, both you and Ryan work there now. The fans are happy that the Mad King as returned, the fans call you the Evil Queen because of the way you in minecraft and GTA, other than that everyone knows you aren't really evil and Ryan actually isn't mad. Oh, and $255,491 was donated to the stream so that means the vidoes your recorded in high school are going out. They go out every three Saturdays, the first one to be put out was the very first appearance of 'going cakeless', your sixteenth birthday party.


You and Ryan are on vacation, on a cruise actually. Its just you and Ryan. You are at the front of the cruise ship, kind of like a titanic moment, but not exactly.

"Hey (Y/N)." 


"We have had a crazy passed havent we."

"Yea we have."

"How about making the future just as crazy."

"What are you say?"

"Will you marry me?"

"YES OF COURSE! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" You said jumping into his arms.

"I love you more. Words cant describe how much i love you."


On the day of the big wedding, you wore your crown, a white dress that has sparkles in the shapes of stars, and white converse, Ryan is wearing a black tux with a red vest and fancy black shoes. the achievement hunter guys, Sam, Danial and your dad, are wearing black suits, Michael is wearing a blue tie, Ray is wearing a rose red tie, Geoff is wearing a orange tie, Gavin is wearing a creeper green tie, Jack is wearing a dark green tie, and your dads and Danial's tie is black. Lindsays, Tina's, Megs, Caitis, and Griffin's dresses watch the tie of there husband/boyfriends ties. Nothing special happened at the wedding. Gavin and Geoff got a little too drunk, you didn't have any cake, because like on your sixteenth birthday, you are going cakeless. 

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