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"did you hear the news?" pansy parkinson asked the blonde haired girl beside her, the girl didn't pay too much mind to what the ravenette was saying as pansy began blabbering on about a new student.

the whole school had been on edge since the morning news of a new student arriving to join the third years, there had been rumours she was famous in the wizarding world and was very well known. although, the only people who could confirm this would be the teachers.

"i heard she's foreign" "apparently she doesn't speak english" "maybe she'll be in hufflepuff" numerous whispers spread like wildfire, all of the kids wanting to know who would be joining. it was only the first day of school and the students had just finished the sorting.

orion slytherin sat in silence at the head of the slytherin table with the 5th years as he already knew who the new student was. the boy had only seen his cousin twice in the past 3 years and didn't know what to except when seeing her again. he hadn't written or even visited and that had always stuck to him as one of his deepest regrets considering he wasn't there when she had needed him most.

"silence everyone. as you may have heard you will be joined by a new student this year, i expect you to treat her with the respect as you would anyone else" dumbeldore announced as he stood, his hands folded in front of him. the look on his face hinted a small smile confusing the golden trio.

before they could understand why he seemed so gleeful the doors to the great hall opened and a ravenette with shoulder length wavy hair, dark brown eyes nearly black, golden tanned skin, and full round lips walked in.

"blimey is that-" seamus was cut off as the twins stood up from their seats with wide eyes exclaiming what the whole hall was thinking.

"it's astoria slytherin!" they said loudly as the hall broke out into small conversations, slytherins staring at her in awe, some gryffindors glaring, a few hufflepuffs smiling and ravenclaws with neutral expressions. many eyes moved to orion as the boy sat up straight and avoided looking at the girl.

"pleasure to see you again astoria" dumbeldore nodded to the girl as she approached closer to the front, her bored look changing to a tiny smile as she also nodded to the older man.

"you as well, dumbeldore" she spoke before turning to the teachers on the right and left side of him and "thank you for having me on such terms" she thanked them earning small smiles.

"who's astoria slytherin?" harry asked turning to hermione beside him, the boy still not fully aware of everyone in the wizarding world.

"she's the great great great great great great something gran daughter of salazar slytherin, orion slytherins cousin! how do you not know?" hermione exclaimed in shock. "you know her right, ron"? she asked turning to the ginger who's mouth was agape.

"i thought she'd look like a troll, she's gorgeous" the boy said still star struck not expecting anyone from slytherin to be as pretty as her. well expect margerie wilson but the girl had disappeared from his mind as he stared at the new student.

"i heard she's a right bitch" "well obviously, she's going to be a slytherin" parvati and padma patil could be heard by harry as they spoke about the girl confusing the boy as she didn't look like a bitch.

"as you know you're automatically sorted into slytherin due to your ancestry" dumbelodre informed the girl as she nodded not expecting anything else, her father probably requested to skip the sorting hat. the man nodded towards to the table as she began her way over ignoring the stares from everyone around her.

she continued to ignore them as she found an empty seat next to a blonde who sat reading a book, on the blondes left was a ravenette with a ponytail, a boy with darker skin and strong cheekbones and across from them a platinum blonde boy with the prettiest grey eyes and two chubby boys.

"astoria" she introduced herself to the blonde as she stuck her hand out in front of her. the blonde looked up with a raised eyebrow before cautiously shaking her hand scared she'd be another pureblood supremacist.

"margerie" she introduced back not saying more before retracting her hand back to support her book.

"is that the the picture of dorian gray? it's one of my favourites" she spoke as she looked at the cover of the blonde's book. 

"yeah i bought it this summer " the blonde acknowledged as she smiled softly before astoria returned it and began to eat. the two not exchanging anymore words sitting with a peaceful silence in the air.

that didn't stop the other students from staring intensely at the girl, draco especially finding it weird how she had not introduced herself to anyone else. he'd have to write to his father and tell her about her arrival, he'd probably be ordered to get closer to her. he didn't mind, she seemed quite interesting.

"do you think she has something to do with sirius blacks escape?" harry suddenly asked turning to hermione to see the girls eyes go wide.

"harry! you can't think that just because she's new" hermione scolded the boy as she slapped his arm making him jump slightly.

"why else would she join hogwarts now? maybe she's helping orion out? " ron asked hermione as he slightly backed up harry.

"i don't know but i'm going to find out" the potter boy said determined before hermione let an unsure look cross her features at the boys face.

hogwarts really had no idea of the storm that followed astoria slytherin and how much chaos it would bring to the once peaceful school. the girl was to be more trouble than harry potter.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑. ( 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘻𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘯)Where stories live. Discover now