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❝𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚏𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚜 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗❞

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❝𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚏𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚜 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗❞

"slytherin? are you not going to speak to your cousin?" blaise zabini asked the older boy as he rushed to walk alongside him as the students of hogwarts exited the great hall. orion didn't say anything as he just glanced at the boy before shrugging. blaise stared at him deciding not to hound.

from the other side of the hall antoinette blossom picked up her novel which she had been reading throughout the whole feast, as she straightened out her robes before following the ravenclaws out of the hall back to the common rooms. she didn't notice some of the lingering looks she recieved from her fellow students as she was too occupied with the thoughts swirling in her head.

astoria slytherin noticed her within a minute of standing up, the girls aura held something that astoria had once cherished so deeply. she could see how the girl held hope within every bounce of her heel and how her eyes were scattered to the ceiling of stars probably daydreaming. the slytherin girl however was broken from her trance as she felt a hand on her arm, her head snapping in the direction with a raised eyebrow as she faced a girl with a pug face and raven hair.

"don't worry about her, she's a dirty blood traitor" the girl cackled as a witch like sound came from her throat, the words she spat held nothing but hatred in them making astoria slightly wince before giving a small nod and walking off to find the blonde she had just been seated next to.

she knew her father had sent her to the school so she would befriend some more purebloods who she could potentially turn to death eaters later on, but the girl would never think of befriending people who believed the same as her father. she would rather pray night after night that those people changed before it was too late.

students dispersed as she made her way through, due to her height not being the best the girl would be seen bouncing up every so often as she tried to spot margerie. no one dared speak to her as they were too afraid of what she'd say. everyone stared, some sparing glances to orion confused on why the pair weren't together.

"the girls a quiet one, dumbeldore?" professor mcgonagall asked the headmaster beside her as she removed her worried eyes from the girls retreating figure to the man who was frowning deeply.

"she's not used to being near to others her age" the man said shortly as he thought of her late older brother remembering how many photos of the boy he had seen when he went to visit the slytherin manor.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑. ( 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘻𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘯)Where stories live. Discover now