Umbrella - 1

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Taehyung felt his fingers go numb on the keyboard. It was only 9 pm. Taehyung was so very tired. He had stayed over at his office job, working his strongest, knowing he was going to quit soon, and get his last salary before he moved on to modeling. Yes, Taehyung modeled. Modeling was Taehyungs side job, but soon to be his main, just after he'd quit his office job.

Taehyung never liked his office job. Staying in a stuffy room, almost like a closet, that always felt either too hot, or freezing. Taehyungs fingers stopped clicking at the keyboard, sighing when he saw the time. It was finally the end of Taehyungs shift. The latters hands gripped the sides of his arm chair, looking up at the light bulb that flicked on and off.

At first, a few months ago, when Tae first started his job at the office, he hadn't known the lights would flick on and off by its own. And when Taehyung found out, he had actully been frightened, thinking the place was haunted. But no, that wasn't the reason at all. It was just that the company didn't have enough money to keep the lights going all the way. He got up from his chair, shutting down the computer, and cracking his numb fingers.Taehyung grabbed his bag, throwing it over his shoulder, and opening the door of his office, turning behind him, and locking it before he left.

The young boy knew it was a lot better locking up his office before leaving. The last time he hadn't locked it, his office was trashed, and his favorite watch was stolen. Taehyung sighed out of the workplace, taking one last cup of coffee before leaving, sipping the coffee, watching at the rain that drizzled outside of the work place.

Taehyung didn't mind rain. He actually adored rain. But not on a work day, oh no. It was much harder to get an Uber or taxi on those days, and harder to get through the day at all. But Taehyung loved a rainy day on the weekends. Watching the rain drip onto the window, smearing the rain water on it, the sounds of the waters pitter patters... it was like heaven.

Taehyung sighed, taking one last look outside, before he opened the door of the workplace, to see it rain even harder. The streets were absolutely covered in rain, and no taxis were in sight. Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. I guess it meant he was walking home in the rain then.

"Wait! Sir!"
A lady yelled after him.

Taehyung turned his back, to see the lady behind the counter, who was right behind him, holding an umbrella.

"Umm yes?"
Taehyung asked.

"A man had left this for you. He said 'in case it rains'"

Taehyung looked at the umbrella in her hands, slowly taking it. It was a normal black umbrella.

"I'm sorry.. do you know whos it is?"
Taehyung asked, tilting his head a bit.

"Umm no sir."
The lady told Taehyung, bowing a bit.

But before Taehyung could ask anymore, the lady had already left, back at her work. Taehyung wanted to reach out, and ask more, but he felt of a bother to ask her, since she was still at work. Taehyung walked out the work place, his hand still clenched around the umbrella, the other around the door knob, slowly letting go of the door, to unleash his umbrella.

While Taehyung fiddled around with the umbrella, he couldn't help but feel two eyes staring at him. It wasn't entirely a bad feeling, but gave Taehyung goosebumps, like it wasn't a good feeling either.

Taehyung put the umbrella over his head, walking a bit quickly, wanting to get home quickly. It wasn't getting any warmer, the skies getting increasingly darker, and the air more humid, but colder, the rain still pouring. Taehyung shivered, starting to run home now. His home wasn't too far from his workplace. About a mile or so. Once Taehyung made it, he closed the door behind him, some rain dripping off his almsot drenched clothes, but wet umbrella.

A sigh left the drenched man's lips, seeing that the apartment was completely dark. Taehyung flicked the hallway lights on, his eyes exploring the hallways. It looked as if his roommate was either not home, or asleep.

Tae didn't really mind anyway, going into his room to take some fresh clothes to change from his work ones, and to take a nice hot shower, and freshen up. Taehyung stripped himself for his clothes, and entering his shower, feeling at ease with the warm water flowing onto his body, looking out window of the shower. The rainy nights of Seoul always looked beautiful, with the stars, rain still damping up the streets, and the light from the moon shining down. Taehyung liked that his apartment was a two story. It was nice to have a second story, where the views were even better up in the windows.

But Taehyung still just couldn't help but to feel lonely on days like these. On these kind of days, people would be with there lovers, binge watching Netflix, cuddling up together on the sofa, and above all just loving each other while the pitter patters of rain played outside, in the background of there world.

But Taehyung could only dream, knowing his dream man would never be his. Yes, man. Taehyung is 100% gay. And, sadly attracted to only his dream man, a man he didn't even know, but wished to have.

He stepped out of the bathroom, clothing his damp body, and putting a towel over his head, to dry it. The young boy went over to his bed, plopping his energy drained body down, laying next to his phone. Taehyung felt himself shut down, but before he could fully fall asleep, he felt his phone ring. Taehyung sighed, opening his eyes, his fingers clenching around his phone, lifting it to his face, where he saw he had a text from an unknown number.

Don't you know a cutie like you owes me for giving you my umbrella?

Taehyung just looked at the text, a bit dazed. Was this the seemingly person to leave that umbrella for Taehyung? Taehyung actually wanted to thank that person, he would've gotten a cold if it wasn't for them.

"It's probably just jimin or kookie.."
Taehyung mumbled to himself.

Jimin, his roommate, loved to play little jokes on Taehyung, and so did jungkook, so it didn't really confuse it scare Taehyung when he saw this text.

"But why did they make a new number for some lame prank?"
Taehyung yawned, stretching his limbs before curling up into a better position, and placing his phone to charge on the nightstand.

It was nice knowing that tomorrow he would be sending a email to his office boss, telling him he would no longer be working under him. Taehyung would be receiving his last check from them, than have he rest of his nice weakened off. Ofcourse he'd get back to model work, but this it would be a full time job, and not just a model on the side. Taehyung smiled, yawning one last time before feeling his eyes drop down, and his dreams starting to awake.

But what he didn't realize, was that a man had been watching him from afar, smiling when he finally saw the young boy fall asleep.

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