Back to the circus

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"Your guys next mission will be back at Halys circus. This time it is just a observing misson do not ingage in any battling" Batman said sternly

everyone shrank back at the glare other than robin. Kid Flash only slighly shrank since he was so used to these glares

"Everyone will be going this time, and this time its an actual mission" 

Batman turned to glare at Robin who just smiled at him. If you looked closly and where close to Batman you could see him  smile and shake his head. That is if you are close to him and that would only be Robin. Wally might have seen the shake of the head but not the smile

"Robin you are in charge this time. There will be no goofing around on this mission, just becasue this is a recon mission doesnt mean that you can goof around" Batman said looking mostly at Robin and Wally 

Both boys just smirked knowing that they were for sure going to be goofing around no matter what batman said. Both boys just nodded their heads with crossed finger behind their backs. Batman knew deep down that no matter what he said those two were going to do something stupid. Robin was for going to do something stupid

"Exuse me sir but why exactly are we going back to the circus, didnt we take care of the problem last time" Aqualad asked 

"You are going back because there was some word that there is an imposter in the circus that is planning on talking down multiple citys and they are useing the circus as a why of transportation. The cirus ring leader Haley has been thinking about shutting down if this continues" Batman said 

At hearing the circus might shut down made Robin growl in anger. Wally tried to calm him down by putting a hand on his shoulder. It helped a bit but not that much

"Where is the circus set up this time" Megan asked 


Robin seemed to perk up at that

In romanina

"I get to see her again" robin whispered 

"Yeah well dont get to exited" Wally said 

Robin just rolled his eyes at him

"You leave in 5 minutes, pack what you need a get going" Batman said and then he walked out 

------time skip-------

The team were sitting in the ship heading to Romanina. Everone was pretty exited. They never got to do missions anywhere outside of the US

"So what are we going to do when we get there" Megan asked 

"We will go talk to the ring master and then get settled in. Since it will be close to the time when they end the show by the time we get there, we can walk around the circus" Robin said

"Yeah and for you to find that girl of yours" Wally said

"Oh shut up, you and I both know that we are just friends" Robin said 

The rest of the team were confused on what was going on since they couldnt understand either them

"What did you guys just say and what lanugue was that" Artemis asked 

"Oh.. sorry, you guys dont need to worry about what we were saying and that was Romanina" Robin said 

"Wait, your telling me that you know how to speak this lanugue" Artemis asked amazed 

"Well yeah, I know how to speak like 30 different lanugues" Robin said

"No no, im not suprised by you. I was talking to Wally, he can barelly talk English" 

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